Online Telemetry Forwarder version 2.0 now also uses the soundmodem tcp kiss port (default 8100). AGW (tcp port 8000) port is no longer supported.
In addition, there is an “auto-connect” feature. So you don’t need to restart the Forwarder anymore if the soundmodem is changed.
Category: Software
GetKISS BETA release
Today I released a new software tool to generate a KISS File from tcp sources (e.g. soundmodem or gr-satellites).
UZ7HO’s soundmodem
You don’t need the AGW interface anymore. Simply use the KISS server port 8100 and enable it.
-> Settings -> Server setup -> KISS Server Port 8100
If you run Dani’s, EA4GPZ gr-satellite tools on an Ubuntu machine (or even on a Raspberry Pi) you can easily add a TCP server in your flowgraph.
Configure the corresponding IP address of your Ubuntu machine or “localhost” for soundmodem and the port in the conf.ini file.
#TCP_PORT = 52002
TCP_SERVER = localhost
TCP_PORT = 8100
All other settings are the same as for AGW OnlineKISS. Change the conf.ini parameters according to your local settings (QTH, call sign, path to TLE file etc.)
If you enable “filter if Sat not visible” then a timestamped KISS file will be written into your FILE_PATH directory -> e.g. D:/Radio/UWE-4/ only if the satellite is actually visible (elevation> 0).
Reports and suggestions for improvements are very much appreciated.
73 Mike
coming soon … tlm_forwarder v.1.0
now you can run two instances of UZ7HO’s soundmodem – e.g. the low speed (1k2 AFSK, 1k2 BPSK) and the high speed decoder (9k6 FSK, 4k8 GMSK)
Thank You!
To all Online Telemetry Forwarder Supporters, thank you. Again passed a milestone – 4.000.000 frames received and decoded #cubesats #amsat
New Online Telemetry supporters
A big welcome to some new Online Telemetry database supporters.
Thanks to all who are supporting this platform and sharing your received telemetry.
Online Telemetry Forwarder
Dear friends,
firstly many thanks for your long-term support in collecting online telemetry for UWE-3 and QB50p1 over the last months.
The amount of incoming data is increasing very fast and so we (Jan, PE0SAT and me, DK3WN) decided to use a new – database based – approach.
This software can run in the background and alongside other decoders and/or AGW-OnlineKISS etc. The following satellites are supported: BISONSAT, BUGSAT, CUBEBUG-2, DEORBITSAIL, FIREBIRD-3, FIREBIRD-4, GRIFEX, MCUBED-2, O/OREOS, POLYITAN, QB50P1, QB50P2, STRAND-1, TIGRISAT, UNISAT-6, UWE-3, PHONESAT2.4, ZACUBE, XW-2A..2F
We decided to take these sats because they could be easily decoded by UH7ZO soundmodem software (1k2, 9k6, 19k2 – BPSK, AFSK, FSK). All received packets will be checked, automatically assigned to the correct NORAD ID and forwarded to Jan’s PE0SAT server (Total_HTTP/Total_HTTP_OK).
Packets from unsupported satellites will be not forwarded but counted (RX). Every packet will also be logged in the /log directory. So we have a kiss file backup for all incoming packets selected by their satellite name. You can use these kiss files with my telemetry decoders (file -> open serverlog) for further processing.
Jan is working on the database front-end. You can see here some statistics (packets per user, packets per satellite, last 10 received packets).
Additionally you can download all received packets – this may important for the cubesat teams (download requires authorization.)
So please feel free to test the forwarder software. If you have any comments or suggestions for improvements, let us know.
Please edit the online_conf.ini file with your correct callsign and coordinates.
Many thanks for your support !!!
Here can you dowload the software:
Best regards,
Jan PE0SAT and Mike DK3WN
Without makeup looks Great !
16:30 UTCÂ FO-29 TLM
As it is on Fldigi 3.12.5, this program is very interesting on Rx CW.
Downloaded and installed in 5 minutes before AOS !!
For sure students are not DX contesters!
What are you using to decode CW from satellites?
A pen and paper or software?
Many of the current Cubesat use CW for TLM!
I’ve compared many software for a demo and I found
CwGet is a nice software to copy CW TLM .
The Auto Go To Max Value tool in CwGet compensated very fast to the slight frequency shift due to delay between the
transceiver and the doppler software. May the other share with their experiance and other software .
Hi Nader,
thanks for starting this interesting discussion. For unattended operations I generally use fldigi.
It’s very easy to use, reliable and it’s free… See here:
Otherwise I trust only my ears :-)
73, Mike