
02:34 UTC Current Celsius Temperatures: EPS (15), Battery (11), Uplink Radio (17), Downlink Radio (18). Battery level: 91%.
17:08 UTC good signals heard
18:23 UTC Current Celsius Temperatures: EPS (10), Battery (11), Uplink Radio (10), Downlink Radio (13). Battery level: 93%.


still alive with good signals, TLE are not precise anymore, Flux 92 today !

02:58 UTC AggieSat twittered: Current Celsius Temperatures: EPS (13), Battery (11), Uplink Radio (13), Downlink Radio (15)
13:00 UTC 14 deg 213 km height
14:32 UTC 85 deg 214 km height
16:05 UTC 42 deg 214 km height
17:37 UTC 63 deg 212 km height

based on calculations with SatEvo and latest TLE

AggieSat-II silent

15:30 UTC, 17:05 UTC, 18:40 UTC nothing heard :-(

John, KE5JTG: We had set the clock, that goes for today too. We will be trying again about 19:30 UTC tomorrow. Radio should be back on about 03:45 UTC tomorrow (the 12th) in case you can pick it up again tomorrow.
Last check had us down to less than 230 km, we dropped about 3.5 km yesterday or the day before and the rate is picking up.