DECAY_EPOCH WINDOW REV DIRECTION LAT LON INCL NEXT_REPORT 2018-03-07 12:06:00 13 4628 ascending 9.9 154 51.6 0 2018-03-07 12:06:00 32 4628 ascending 9.9 154 51.6 0 2018-03-07 12:39:00 120 4627 descending 23.5 297.4 51.6 2 2018-03-07 13:12:00 240 4627 ascending -48.4 66 51.6 6 2018-03-07 13:50:00 300 4628 ascending 50.7 194.2 51.6 12 2018-03-07 12:53:00 600 4629 descending -21.1 331.7 51.6 24 2018-03-07 15:40:00 900 4629 descending 9.2 264 51.6 48 2018-03-07 11:28:00 1140 4627 descending -33.9 7.6 51.6 72
Category: Columbia
Columbia – probably my last telemetry from Europe
Columbia decay prediction
Columbia – longterm telemetry (gyros)
Columbia over Middle East
6dB more signal than when launched. Visible on low elevation pass. Sitting at around 200km. GyroX has same response for IMU1 and 2
Columbia telemetry
Columbia over Middle East
Decaying soon and did not last one year in space (SAD) wonder who will catch the last telemetry?