So in almost 3 years i.e. 919 days we saw 941 boots, almost a boot a day … and those boots weren’t made for walking ;-)
Author: ZR1ADC
CAS-4A over middle east
Still all the same after a year, beaming packets left right and center, over a year >80 OBC resets. Maybe also a bit more uplink activity seen in RX AGC
CAS-4B test mode
Thought something wrong with CAS-4B – seems it went into test mode it is still transmitting but not decoding telemetry
nSight1 lifetime data
Thanks Mike for the CSV importer from Satnogs DB. This satellite was for sure a superstar, operational over full lifetime not leaving any space debris and it got optimal lifetime from an ISS launch (almost 3 years). Thanks to all amateurs providing data, downloading telemetry, uplodaing to SATNOGS, this plot would not be possible without you guys. Here is to nSight2!
nSight1 last month, entering end of April/early May
nSight1 sitting at around 280km (TLE say 281x273km)
Thanks Mike for the Satnogs CSV import
nSight-1 altitude over >2 years (data via Satnogs)
From this plot it can be observed how the satellite height is calculated from the on board ADCS estimator. TLE is uploaded to the satellite and using time it calculates the satellite height that varies between apogee and perigee due to elliptical orbit and also the earth is not perfect sphere. Where there is no data, is where the on board estimator was not on. Satellite is currently at around 360km from >400km start, more than two years ago. Re-entry calculated around next time this year. This will be the last QB50 sat to re-enter launched form the ISS
Max Valier Sat over Middle East using my SATNOGS station #146
Automatic CW decoder. Great work
nSight-1 Satnogs data altitude
nSight-1 altitude, slowly falling to earth. Would be great if other sats can add this to their telemetry. Of Course it is available from the many tle info.
Thanks Mike
nSight-1 as seen from ISS when launched back in 2017
credit to
Lilacsat-1 to bottom
GOMX-1 over Middle East
Nice battery voltage!