X-CubeSat decayed

2019-02-04 07:32:00  24       9871   ascending   -51.5  254.9  51.6   0      
2019-02-04 07:32:00  120      9871   ascending   -51.5  254.9  51.6   0      
2019-02-04 07:27:00  120      9871   descending  -48.2  221.4  51.6   2      
2019-02-04 07:28:00  120      9871   descending  -49.3  225.8  51.6   6      
2019-02-04 05:45:00  360      9871   descending  -9.9   193.4  51.6   12     
2019-02-04 06:12:00  600      9870   ascending   -40.8  315.6  51.6   24     
2019-02-04 12:01:00  900      9874   ascending   -47.6  209.6  51.6   48     
2019-02-05 01:56:00  1140     9884   descending  51.7   146.8  51.6   72     

long-term telemetry (data source SatNOGS)

XCubesat decay prediction

Jean Guérard, from the French national aerospace research center ONERA, is requesting to all who has the opportunity, please, to record the last telemetry frames of the bird launched in May 2017 by the polytechnic school (in Palaiseau, France).
X-Cubesat is expected to decay around Mon, 04/02/2019 10:58:00 +/- 7 hours UTC (these predictions are provided by Joseph Remis, an expert in satellite reentry predictions from the International Astronomical Center). The frequency is 437.020 MHz (measured here 437.01792), modulation AFSK 1k2, mode AX25. Warning, the fresh TLE are already not too good, but anyways…

Please, send information directly to Jean Guérard, jean.guerard@saf-astronomie.fr

Many thanks my friends, have a good Sunday, 73 !
Jean-Pierre F5YG