Low Earth orbiting satellites experience orbital decay and have physical lifetimes determined almost entirely by their interaction with the atmosphere. The drag force that such a satellite experiences is due to its interaction with the few air molecules that are present at these altitudes. The density of the atmosphere at LEO heights is controlled by solar X-ray flux and particle precipitation from the magnetosphere and so varies with the current space weather conditions.
Table below shows predicted decay date
last update: 2022-11-22 21:30:08.490 UTC 10.8 cm flux = 117.000000 date satellite norad epoch decay 2022-12-20 ==> MYSAT-1 44045 22321.881838 22354.991885 2023-01-02 ==> TW-1A 40928 22321.804274 23002.032620 2023-02-02 ==> FALCONSAT-3 30776 22321.328001 23033.427140 2023-02-11 ==> RS4S 53306 22321.829921 23042.842023 2023-02-13 ==> RS1S 53309 22321.822071 23044.830080 2023-02-16 ==> RS3S 53308 22321.837287 23047.569219 2023-02-17 ==> RS5S 53310 22321.836125 23048.034589 2023-02-19 ==> RS9S 53312 22321.821669 23050.674527 2023-03-16 ==> CP-7 43615 22321.540750 23075.283900 2023-05-07 ==> PAINANI-1 44365 22240.240045 23127.342336 2023-05-26 ==> TUMNANOSAT 53464 22241.472901 23146.809394 2023-06-26 ==> XW-2A 40903 22321.763445 23177.733761 2023-06-29 ==> RS6S 53311 22241.133612 23180.974944 2023-06-30 ==> RS12S 53313 22241.133473 23181.956040 2023-08-02 ==> FUTABA 53463 22240.572665 23214.066124 2023-09-23 ==> HSU-SAT1 53462 22240.767019 23266.614297 2023-11-18 ==> VZLUSAT 42790 22321.626230 23322.010708 2023-12-18 ==> NAYIF 42017 22321.158872 23352.374345 2023-12-28 ==> DIY-1 47963 22321.295905 23362.112220 2024-02-05 ==> ATHENOXAT-1 41168 22321.414740 24036.077513 2024-02-16 ==> AAUSAT4 41460 22321.764262 24047.542760 2024-02-16 ==> NUSAT-1 41557 22321.884391 24047.498558 2024-02-24 ==> NUSAT-2 41558 22321.856551 24055.531952 2024-03-15 ==> MOVE-2B 44398 22321.842847 24075.469841 2024-03-26 ==> FIREBIRD-3 40377 22321.636970 24086.073365 2024-03-27 ==> FIREBIRD-4 40378 22321.652305 24087.693434 2024-05-17 ==> REAKTOR 43743 22321.642476 24138.490503 2024-05-25 ==> GRIZU 51025 22321.136987 24146.405694 2024-06-18 ==> ROBUSTA-1B 42792 22321.589494 24170.366638 2024-08-08 ==> NEXUS 43937 22321.613411 24221.520740 2024-09-02 ==> CTIM 52950 22321.087345 24246.910475 2024-09-11 ==> SKCUBE 42789 22321.699823 24255.053703 2024-10-13 ==> CUBEBEL-1 43666 22321.791885 24287.486847 2024-10-22 ==> DELFI-C3 32789 22321.794380 24296.592154 2024-11-15 ==> DELFI-PQ 51074 22321.143471 24320.537112 2024-11-22 ==> XW-2E 40909 22321.832746 24327.839136 2024-11-27 ==> XW-2F 40910 22321.747535 24332.080515 2024-12-01 ==> GRIFEX 40379 22321.628385 24336.468450 2025-01-03 ==> LUME-1 43908 22321.631593 25003.793464 2025-01-07 ==> AO-92 43137 22321.184817 25007.210495 2025-02-18 ==> SANOSAT-1 51031 22321.119547 25049.995113 2025-02-19 ==> FEES 48082 22321.655672 25050.077551 2025-03-08 ==> TY-4 43669 22321.873797 25067.089849 2025-03-10 ==> PICSAT 43132 22240.657636 25069.818737 2025-03-15 ==> CAPE-3 47309 22321.787794 25074.987335 2025-04-22 ==> OPSSAT 44878 22321.778385 25112.915041 2025-07-03 ==> BEESAT-9 44412 22321.444308 25184.084402 2025-07-12 ==> ISS 25544 22322.039682 25193.319782 2025-07-26 ==> MAXVALIER 42778 22321.611246 25207.028324 2025-07-28 ==> JAISAT 44419 22321.448505 25209.287580 2025-08-10 ==> TY-2 43155 22321.799278 25222.905012
calculations based on SatEvo
2019-02-27 ==> FOX-1C 42700 19037.681851 19058.483559
2019-02-27 ==> HAVELSAT 42700 19037.681851 19058.483559
FOX-1C/AO-95 is object 43770.
Interesting 1KUNS not on the list, currently sitting at around 300km? nSight1 de orbited within 2month from there