BY70-2 telemetry after eclipse

The new BY70-2 telemetry decoder needs a kiss file based on the updated gr-satellites (master branch) block KISS File Sink. This version implements an extension to the KISS protocol. Before each data frame, a KISS control frame with the timestamp encoded as the UNIX epoch in milliseconds in big-endian uint64_t format and a control byte of 0x09 is used. Great thanks to Dani for this implementation.

BY70-1 decayed

2017-02-18 00:19:00  6        821    descending  -10.9  159.2  97.6   0      
2017-02-18 00:19:00  24       821    descending  -10.9  159.2  97.6   0      
2017-02-18 01:23:00  60       821    descending  79     187.2  97.5   2      
2017-02-18 01:32:00  180      821    descending  45.4   149.9  97.6   6      
2017-02-18 01:32:00  300      821    descending  45.6   150    97.6   12     
2017-02-18 01:21:00  480      821    ascending   82.5   237.4  97.6   24     
2017-02-18 01:35:00  840      821    descending  25.6   145    97.6   48     
2017-02-17 22:15:00  1140     819    ascending   63.6   356    97.6   72     

farewell BY70-1 …

…these are the last two passes over Central Europe (20:43 UTC and 22:10 UTC)
I used the same TLE set for these passes (epoch time: 17048.85604685)

Unfortunately no telemetry packets anymore due to heavy usage of the transponder (… for the very last time)

Here is a graph of the February telemetry:

Great thanks to the Chinese BY70 team. Especially to Wei BG2BHC who gave us all the information to decode the telemetry and the images we could take.
I think we have reached a new level of cooperation. Let’s continue this in the future …