ISS nanosatellites deployment – TLE

1 42910U 98067MZ  17230.61530238  .00011738  00000-0  17897-3 0  9992
2 42910  51.6386  87.1117 0008480 158.4214 287.2230 15.54913432   154
1 42911U 98067NA  17230.61552108  .00013231  00000-0  20133-3 0  9990
2 42911  51.6398  87.1050 0008103 153.9913 292.6248 15.54841813   121
1 42912U 98067NB  17230.61585622  .00020898  00000-0  31464-3 0  9994
2 42912  51.6357  87.1095 0007403 164.9583 283.1703 15.54749446   156
1 42913U 98067NC  17230.61542957  .00019298  00000-0  29145-3 0  9994
2 42913  51.6389  87.1111 0006545 172.4026 273.2563 15.54728702   126
1 42914U 98067ND  17230.61564007  .00014844  00000-0  22640-3 0  9990
2 42914  51.6352  87.1233 0007134 158.0264 288.6302 15.54671144   141

ISS – nanosatellites deployment by hand

Pirs airlock opening at 1636 UTC
deployment of several nanosatellites in this order:

1510 UTC – TOMSK TPU-120 (RS04S) 437.025 MHz digital voice
1515 UTC – Tanusha-SWSU-1 (RS-6S) 437.050 MHz 9k6 FSK, digital voice
1516 UTC – Tanusha-SWSU-2 (RS-7S) 437.050 MHz 9k6 FSK, digital voice
1521 UTC – TNS-0
1529 UTC – TS530-Zerkalo (sphere)

the second Tanusha is flying away

Tomsk-TPU-120 Cubesat Messages

soundRS04S – German Message

Wir schreiben das Jahr 2016. Das Jahr, indem wir das 55. Jubilaeum des Tages feiern, an dem der erste Mensch ins All geflogen ist. Wir, die Studierenden der Polytechnischen Universitaet Tomsk, leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Raumfahrt und wir gruessen alle, die uns hoeren koennen. Sie hoeren eine Uebertragung von der Raumsonde, die wir anlaesslich des 120. Jahrestages der Gruendung unserer Universitaet, mit unseren eigenen Haenden entwickelt haben. Wir wuenschen allen Menschen der Erde Frieden und Glueck. Und jenen, die sich in die Fernen wagen, wuenschen wir astronomische Erkenntnisse.

soundRS04S – English Message

In orbit. 2016 is the year of the fifty-fifth anniversary of the first manned flight into space. We, students of Tomsk Polytech University have greatly contributed to the development of astronautics, send a warm greeting to everyone who can hear us. On the air, this is a small space craft, a satellite, which we have assembled with our own hands and dedicated to 120th anniversary of our university. We wish all people of the planet peace and happiness, and to those who are exploring the vastness of the universe, astronomical achievements.

soundRS04S – Russian Message

На орбите 2016 год, год 55 летия первого полёта человека в космос. Мы, студенты Томского Политехнического Университета, внесшего достойный вклад в развитие космонавтики, приветствуем Всех, кто нас слышит! В эфире борт малого космического аппарата “Спутник”, который мы сделали собственными руками в честь 120 летия со дня основания нашего университета. Мы желаем всем людям нашей планеты Мира и Счастья, а тем кто штурмует просторы вселенной – космических достижений!

soundRS04S – Portuguese Message

2016, é o ano do quinquagésimo aniversário do primeiro voo tripulado ao espaço. Nós, estudantes da universidade politécnica de Tomsky, temos contribuido significativamente para o desenvolvimento da astronomia. Enviamos uma saudação calorosa a todos que nos ouvem. Uma pequena nave no ar, um pequeno satélite que temos montado com nossas próprias mãos em honra do centésimo vigésimo aniversário da nossa TPU.
Desejámos a todos as pessoas do planeta, paz e felicidade à aqueles que estão a explorar a vastidão do universo cósmico.

soundRS04S – Chinese Message


soundRS04S – Arabic Message

سنة ألفين وثلاثة عشر علي الهواء
الاحتفالية الخامسة والخمسون لصعود الإنسان للقضاء نحن طلبة بك، المتعلقة بالفنون والتي ساهمة في تطوير الاميتير. نحيي كل الذين هم في الاستماع .القمر الصناعي الذي تم صنعه بطرفنا نحن وبايدينا خاصة .هو علي الهواء. نحن ننمي السلامة لكل سكان الارض وللذين يكتشفون الفضاء هناك.

soundRS04S – Kazakh Message

soundRS04S – Tatar Message

soundRS04S – ??? Message

soundRS04S – Spanish Message

soundRS04S – Hindi Message


Tomsk-TPU-120 CubeSat Celebrates University Anniversary


The Tomsk satellite onboard ISS was turned on May 10 at 07:55 UTC and will be switched off on May 11 at 10:10 UTC.


The Russian Tomsk-TPU-120 CubeSat is different from other CubeSats : it has a handle!

The 3U CubeSat was launched from Baikonur to the ISS on March 31, 2016 in a Progress-MS-2 cargo vessel. It will be deployed by hand during a future Russian spacewalk (EVA), which is why it has a handle.

The satellite was developed by students at the Tomsk Polytechnic University to test new space materials technology and will be the world’s first space vehicle with a 3D-printed structure.

In May 2016 Tomsk Polytechnic University celebrates its 120th anniversary. As part of the celebrations on May 10-11 Tomsk-TPU-120 will be activated in the ISS and will transmit a greeting to Earth inhabitants, recorded by students of the university in 11 languages: Russian, English, German, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Arab, Tatar, Kazakh, Hindi and Spanish.


The greeting signal will be transmitted once a minute on 437.025 MHz FM. (signal is weak)


One of the Kenwood transceivers on the ISS will provide a simulcast of the signal on 145.800 MHz FM (much stronger)

Reception reports will be appreciated. Please send reports to


Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS past chairman