Category: CAS-5A
CAS-5A Designated Fengtai-OSCAR 118 (FO-118)
On December 9, 2022, the CAS-5A satellite was launched on a Smart Dragon-3 Y1 launch vehicle from the Chinese sea launch platform in the Yellow Sea. The Chinese Amateur Satellite Group (CAMSAT), working closely with local education authorities, designed, built, tested, and manages the CAS-5A satellite. Thirty-one students from ten high schools learned satellite design, manufacturing, and applications through educational courses initiated by CAMSAT and the Fengtai educational institution. The satellite carries V/u and H/u linear transponders, a V/u FM repeater, and CW and GMSK telemetry beacons for amateur radio use.
At the request of CAMSAT and the CAS-5A team, AMSAT hereby designates the satellite as Fengtai-OSCAR 118 (FO-118). We congratulate all the involved teams, thank them for their contribution to the amateur satellite community, and wish them continued success on this and future projects.
[ANS thanks Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA, OSCAR Number Administrator, for the above information]
CAS-5A CW beacon
1428 UTC
bj1so cas5a cas5a 410 a4u ttt aua vdv ebt auu u6u tn4 tdu uen 4dt u6e u4v a4v 46 ved t4b tae tae tu4 tvu tv4 vta ttd tt6 vtb tat tau tta ttu camsat camsat
bj1so cas5a cas5a 410 a4v ttt aub vdv ebt auu u6u atu tdu uen 44u uea u4u aub ub uee t4d tae tae tuv tvv tv4 vta ttd tt6 vt6 taa tau tta tta camsat camsat
bj1so cas5a cas5a 410 a44 ttt aua vdv ebt auu u6u tnn tdu uen 46u ube u4u aua ta ebn t4n tae tae tvu tv4 vta ttd tt6 vt4 taa tav tta ttt tta camsat camsat
bj1so cas5a cas5a 410 a44 ttt aua vdv ebt auu ubu tnn tdu uen 46u udt u4u aeb 6t bbt t4n ta4 tae tue tvu tvv vtu ttb ttn tta tau ta4 tta tta camsat camsat
bj1so cas5a cas5a 410 a4n ttt aud vd4 ebt auu u6u tda tdv ued 4vb u6t u44 aau b4 ubb t4d ta4 ta6 tu4 tvv tvv vtu ttb taa ttt tau ta4 tta tta camsst camsat
bj1so cas5a cas5a 410 aet ttt aub vdu ebt auu u4b tbe tda ueb 4ab ved u4b auu vt ntn t4n tae tae tu4 tvv tvv vta ttb tau ttt tav ta4 ttu tta camsat camsat