Dear DK3WN.
The AlfaCrux team would like to thank you for your cooperation in collecting telemetry data from our space mission! In acknowledgment, we attach an electronic QSL card with the date of the first telemetry received on our records. We are working to make all contributions received available in our online database in the coming months.
In addition, we would like to inform you that the first AlfaCrux telemetry record in our database was performed by the ham radio Roland Zurmely, call sign PY4ZBZ. Moreover, during the first 6 months of operation, the largest number of telemetry files received by the AlfaCrux team came from the ham radio Rogério Pimentel, call sign PY2PIM. A special thanks to both ham radio colleagues was posted on the official website of the AlfaCrux mission, we kindly invite you to check it at
Renato A. Borges (PU2ERB), PhD
Associate Professor, Electrical Eng. Dept., UnB.
Coordinator of the Laboratory of Simulation and Control of Aerospace Systems, UnB.
Senior Member IEEE.