Tancredo decayed

2017-10-18 02:27:00  28       4300   ascending   -28.6  27.9   51.6   0      
2017-10-18 02:28:00  45       4300   ascending   -26.5  30     51.6   0      
2017-10-18 02:32:00  120      4300   ascending   -12.7  41.7   51.6   2      
2017-10-18 02:27:00  180      4300   ascending   -29    27.4   51.6   6      
2017-10-18 02:36:00  300      4300   ascending   -1.4   50     51.6   12     
2017-10-18 02:30:00  600      4300   ascending   -17.1  38.4   51.6   24     
2017-10-18 04:23:00  840      4302   ascending   49.3   90.4   51.6   48     
2017-10-18 07:44:00  1260     4304   descending  9.4    145.1  51.6   72     

Tancredo digitalker and telemetry active

female voice digitalker

2017-01-20 07:00:37.980 UTC: [30 Bytes KISS Frame (without CRC)] ctrl: 3 PID: F0 {UI} 11 Payload Bytes
from PY0ETA to BCL: 1 > EB 90 0B AD F9 02 99 02 0A 1B 12
from PY0ETA to BCL: 1 > EB 90 0B A5 F2 02 7B 02 0A 1A 40
from PY0ETA to BCL: 1 > EB 90 0B 63 FC 02 FF 02 01 1A FD
from PY0ETA to BCL: 1 > EB 90 10 45 02 19 10 00 09 00 32 9A
from PY0ETA to BCL: 1 > EB 90 0B AD F9 02 99 02 32 19 EC