
Justin, KI6EPH: As many of you know, CP6 has stopped beaconing, we think, due to a failure in the C&DH processor. This is implied from the fact we are still able to contact one of the two comm processors. If the C&DH were still functioning, the two comms should be alternately powered on every 5 minutes. This of course comes as a disappointment but the mission is by no means a failure. We learned a great deal about the functionality of our hardware, and with your help, gathered more data (5.24 MB) than our previous two satellites combined.

If there are any changes we will be sure to send out a notification.

On behalf of the PolySat team here at Cal Poly, thank you for your time and support! Regards and 73,


18:47 UTC 18 deg pass – 11 telemetry packets decoded :-)

27-Aug-2009 18:49:59 17.354° S 136.379° W COMM A
27-Aug-2009 18:50:41 19.119° S 124.414° W COMM A
27-Aug-2009 18:51:24 20.858° S 109.593° W COMM A
27-Aug-2009 18:52:06 21.945° S 93.446° W COMM A
27-Aug-2009 18:52:48 22.109° S 77.595° W COMM A
27-Aug-2009 18:53:29 21.572° S 63.717° W COMM A
27-Aug-2009 18:54:11 20.788° S 52.430° W COMM A
27-Aug-2009 18:54:53 20.076° S 43.480° W COMM B
27-Aug-2009 18:55:35 19.567° S 36.372° W COMM B
27-Aug-2009 18:56:17 19.280° S 30.605° W COMM B
27-Aug-2009 18:56:59 19.193° S 25.836° W COMM B


19:28 UTC 18 deg pass, 10 telemetry packets decoded :-)
19:29 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1200 baud):.COMM B
19:29 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1199 baud): TELEM
19:30 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1200 baud):.COMM A
19:30 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1199 baud): TELEM
19:31 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1200 baud):.COMM A
19:31 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1199 baud): TELEM
19:31 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1200 baud):.COMM A
19:31 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1200 baud): TELEM
19:32 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1200 baud):.COMM A
19:32 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1199 baud): TELEM
19:33 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1199 baud):.COMM A
19:33 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1199 baud): TELEM
19:33 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1199 baud):.COMM A
19:33 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1199 baud): TELEM
19:34 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1199 baud):.COMM A
19:34 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1199 baud): TELEM
19:35 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1200 baud):.COMM B
19:36 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1200 baud):.COMM B
19:36 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1199 baud): TELEM
19:36 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1200 baud):.COMM B
19:36 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1199 baud): TELEM
19:37 N6CP>N6CP>UI,C,F0 (1199 baud):.COMM B


CP6 TLE swapped by NORAD

Colin, VK5HI: ... the CP6 keplerian data being issued for CP6 is definitely incorrect. I have been using the Day227 element set for Hawksat for the last week. Have not encountered any wild frequency excursions. Today I downloaded element sets for Days 233 & 234 and compared them against Day227_Hawksat, with a “simulator” program I have. The CP6 sets show up to 3 KHz deviation at TCA, whereas the Hawksat are just a few hundred Hertz.
I have just used the Day 234 Hawksat keplerian set on the most recent pass, with excellent tracking. The AOS & LOS also align well.
SpaceTrak gives an RCS of .774 for Hawksat and .0575 for CP6, so I cannot understand how they are getting them mixed up…



Colin, you gave me a good task for this evening, hihi. I tracked CP-6 with TLE OBJ 35004 ( this was the original CP6 TLE) at 1815 UTC.
For the second pass I used the TLE OBJ 35003 (the original HAWKSAT TLE) at 1905 UTC.
You can see the deviation in the first image and a nearly constant – and correct Doppler shift correction – in the second one.
I know it’s hard to determine this exactly because all my passes are low here I Germany. The first pass was 11 deg, the second one 19 deg elevation.

So I agree with you, Colin – fine job!

Alan, ZL2BX: Yes it has seemed obvious that something changed with the TLE’s. Before I
went away in June I had no particular problem but since coming back last week I have seen up to 5kHz offsets during the pass but using the “Hawksat”
TLE’s this reduced to a few Hz with about a 500 to 600Hz difference between Com A and Com B. All very interesting!


21:12 UTC best pass ever – 19 deg elevation

21-Aug-2009 21:12:59     Pending Parse  129  16.311° S      118.598° W    COMM A  
21-Aug-2009 21:13:41     Pending Parse  129  17.215° S      110.569° W    COMM A     
21-Aug-2009 21:14:23     Pending Parse  129  18.417° S      100.400° W    COMM A
21-Aug-2009 21:15:05     Pending Parse  129  19.740° S      87.666°  W    COMM A
21-Aug-2009 21:16:29     Pending Parse  129  21.052° S      56.154°  W    COMM A
21-Aug-2009 21:17:11     Pending Parse  129  20.491° S      40.617°  W    COMM A
21-Aug-2009 21:17:52     Pending Parse  129  19.473° S      27.373°  W    COMM B
21-Aug-2009 21:18:34     Pending Parse  129  18.435° S      16.725°  W    COMM B
21-Aug-2009 21:19:16     Pending Parse  129  17.611° S      8.299°   W    COMM B 



    Packet Type: 4
    Ack Data: COMM A
Sensor Snapshot:
    Packet Type: 25
    Sequence Number: 6846
    Timestamp: 2009-Aug-07 20:40:22
        Solar Panel Voltage: 1.153 V
        Solar Panel Current: 22.059 mA
        Magnetometer Current: 9.191 mA
        Magnetometer A: 142
        Magnetometer B: 137
        Internal Temp: -31.207 degC
        External Temp: 22.137 degC
        3V SP: 3.059 V
        Solar Panel Voltage: 0.847 V
        Solar Panel Current: 0.000 mA
        Magnetometer Current: 3.676 mA
        Magnetometer A: 227
        Magnetometer B: 134
        Internal Temp: 6.343 degC
        External Temp: 6.343 degC
        3V SP: 3.027 V
        Solar Panel Voltage: 0.471 V
        Solar Panel Current: 0.000 mA
        Magnetometer Current: 14.706 mA
        Magnetometer A: 165
        Magnetometer B: 115
        Internal Temp: -2.552 degC
        External Temp: -3.156 degC
        3V SP: 3.027 V
        Solar Panel Voltage: 0.800 V
        Solar Panel Current: 0.000 mA
        Magnetometer Current: 12.868 mA
        Magnetometer A: 194
        Magnetometer B: 120
        Internal Temp: 2.811 degC
        External Temp: 2.083 degC
        3V SP: 3.027 V
        Solar Panel Voltage: 1.153 V
        Solar Panel Current: 12.868 mA
        Magnetometer Current: 7.353 mA
        Magnetometer A: 219
        Magnetometer B: 91
        Internal Temp: 22.875 degC
        External Temp: 22.137 degC
        3V SP: 3.043 V
    CDH Data:
        RF Amp A Current: 36.765 mA
        RF Amp B Current: 0.000 mA
        3V CDH: 2.871 V
        RF Amp Temp: 28.659 degC
        3V Comm A: 2.902 V
        3V Comm B: 2.886 V
        VSUM: 4.047 V
    Power Data:
        CDH Current: 31.250 mA
        SPA Current: 0.000 mA
        SPB Current: 14.706 mA
        Comm A Current: 29.412 mA
        Comm B Current: 7.353 mA
        Payload Current: 0.000 mA
        CDH Temp: 20.716 degC
        Comm A Temp: 21.417 degC
        Comm B Temp: 21.417 degC
        3V SPA: 2.886 V
        3V SPB: 2.886 V
    Battery A Data:
        Status Byte: 199
        Voltage: 4.177 V
        Temp: 19.000 degC
        Currrent: -5.000 mA
        Acc Cur: -1.500 mA
    Battery B Data:
        Status Byte: 199
        Voltage: 4.138 V
        Temp: 19.000 degC
        Currrent: -10.000 mA
        Acc Cur: -30.500 mA
        Status: SENSOR_SNAP_NOW (0x01)
        State: Normal Ops
        Reset Count: 1
        Payload Control: (0x00)
        CC1000 CAL: 38
        CC1000 POW: 8
        CC1000 RSSI: 63
        Proc Temp: -31.207 degC
        3V PL: 4.000 V
        5V PL: 4.000 V
        Normal Ops: 565477
        Sensor Snap Rate: 5
        ADCS Snap Rate: 14
        Beacon Rate: 20
        CDH Snaps Left to Take: 65535
        ADCS Snaps Left to Take: 0
    Last Error:
        Timestamp: 07-Aug 20:38:27
        Error Code: -100
        Address: 0x000071ec
    I2C Stats:
        Accepted: 45929
        Rejected: 41166
        Read: 21559
        Sent: 24929
        Resent: 0
        Failures: 51152
    CDH NRL Status:
        NRL Control: TAKE_STATUS CHECK_POWER (0x42)