INVADER decayed

39577	INVADER	2014-009F	JPN	2014-09-02 02:54:00	2014-09-02 0:00:00	decay_msg	
39577	INVADER	2014-009F	JPN	2014-09-02 01:24:00	2014-09-02 0:47:00	TIP_msg

Dear all,
Good morning from Tokyo!

ARTSAT1: INVADER (CO-77) decayed yesterday. It was only 186 days since launch. However, we are so glad that many hams listen and report it.
ARTSAT team is now concentrating the next project, ARTSAT2: DESPATCH as announced by JI1IZR last night.
We are continuously going to develop our concept and philosophy through the creation of artworks using the data from INVADER and launch of next deep-space amateur spacecrafts, DESPATCH. We would be grateful for your continued cooperation.

Thanks again and all the best,

Akihiro Kubota, ARTSAT Project

INVADER CW beacons

10:10 UTC
will 29b3 85 may the invader be with you
will 29b4 91 may the invader be with you
will 29b5 94 may the invader be with you
will 29b6 92 may the invader be with you
will 29b7 84 may the invader be with you
will 29b8 92 may the invader be with you

11:40 UTC
will 2a4e 8f may the invader be with you
will 2a4f 92 may the invader be with you
will 2a50 92 may the invader be with you
will 2a51 8b may the invader be with you
will 2a53 82 may the invader be with you
will 2a54 80 may the invader be with you
will 2a55 8c may the invader be with you
will 2a56 83 may the invader be with you
will 2a57 8c may the invader be with you

16:17 UTC
will 2634 83 may the invader be with you
will 2c35 81 may the invader be with you
will 2c36 80 may the invader be with you
will 2c36 8f may the invader be with you
will 2c48 85 may the invader be with you

17:46 UTC
will 2cce 7f may the invader be with you
will 2ccf 70 may the invader be with you
will 2cd0 7c may the invader be with you
will 2cd1 7f may the invader be with you
will 2cd2 79 may the invader be with you
will 2cd3 7f may the invader be with you
will 2cd4 7c may the invader be with you
will 2cd5 7a may the invader be with you
will 2cd6 7f may the invader be with you
will 2cd7 7a may the invader be with you
will 2cd8 6a may the invader be with you

19:16 UTC weak and very strong QSB, only fragments for the timestamps 2d6e to 2d72


will 2d71 79 may the invader be with you

… farewell ARTSAT-1 INVADER

39577	2014-09-01 03:16:00	2014-09-01 03:19:44	2014-09-02 01:47:00	
39577	2014-08-31 03:50:00	2014-08-31 04:02:03	2014-09-02 04:19:00	
39577	2014-08-30 02:59:00	2014-08-30 03:05:55	2014-09-02 03:01:00	
39577	2014-08-28 18:06:00	2014-08-28 18:08:47	2014-09-01 12:07:00	


INVADER CW beacons

10:39 UTC
will 201a 97 may the invader be with you
will 201b 9c may the invader be with you
will 201c 95 may the invader be with you
will 201d 92 may the invader be with you
will 201e 98 may the invader be with you
will 201f 97 may the invader be with you
will 2020 96 may the invader be with you
will 2021 94 may the invader be with you

INVADER CW beacons

10:02 UTC
will 1667 94 may the invader be with you
will 1668 97 may the invader be with you
will 1669 96 may the invader be with you
will 166a 97 may the invader be with you
will 166b 91 may the invader be with you
will 166c 96 may the invader be with you
will 166d 99 may the invader be with you
will 166e 93 may the invader be with you

12:32 UTC
will 1705 9a may the invader be with you
will 1706 9c may the invader be with you
will 1707 97 may the invader be with you
will 1708 98 may the invader be with you
will 1709 96 may the invader be with you
will 170a 96 may the invader be with you
will 170b 97 may the invader be with you
will 170c 94 may the invader be with you
will 170d 9b may the invader be with you
will 170e 99 may the invader be with you
will 170f 96 may the invader be with you

14:05 UTC
will 17a7 9a may the invader be with you
will 17a8 9e may the invader be with you
will 17a9 94 may the invader be with you
will 17aa 9c may the invader be with you
will 17ab 99 may the invader be with you

INVADER final CW beacon mode – 437.325 MHz

20:35 UTC very hard to catch the signal, TLE (14239.79516316) doesn’t match anymore

will 1080 .92 may the invader be with you
will 1083 092 may the .... be with
will 1084 101 may ..
will 10....


Latest TLE:

1 39577U 14009F   14241.58855597  .01492145  72314-5  76041-3 0  3666
2 39577 064.9915 135.8636 0016488 253.3966 106.5767 16.19835448 28865
