11:25 UTC
pr3 0000000000002f02
pr4 00362800342a0600
pr5 005500008a898..a
pr6 005c6e6464656200
pr7 005a665e5f656400
pr8 540000000000000010000010
pr9 4040403f404040403f40403f40403f3f
pra 0072df0d4e
prb 005042504250425042
prc //www.space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
prd -eyewithsweatandtears-akitoit
pr 000b425a5a421a5a4
pr1 00a5a51dffb91000
pr2 0003510514000000
13:14 UTC drop outs !
pr6 ..c606e6........
pr7 00616d5f6b656500
pr8 5400000000000000100
pr9 4040403f404040403f40403f40403f3f
pra 0072f58d4e
prb 0050425042i...s042542
prc //www.space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
prd -miraclesfavorcertainties.y.s.
pr0 00b425a5a421a5a4
pr1 00a5a61df2b91000
pr2 000313030500001c
PRISM stopped transmission (-> pr 6 and pr b ) and proceeded after 120-130 seconds with the end of the same character.
Dear Mike,
Hi, thank you for your information. Its drop-out might be caused by operations in Kiruna, Sweden.
We have cooperate-ground station in Kiruna and we use it sometimes by remote control.
At that time(OBCTIme : 0072F58D ), PRISM was in sight at Kiruna and we did image-acquiring operaion.
At last, PRISM got a nice , “idendified” picture and our mission will be achieved, I think.
We really appreciate your cooperations!
Best regards, Yoshinori MIKAWA
14:41 UTC
prd -april22is-earth-daydeja3czl
pr0 00b425a5a521a5a4
pr1 00a5a61df8bk1000
pr2 000918070614002d
pr3 0001860034002d02