14:54 UTC low 8° elevation pass
5 jq1yyy 5 jq1yyy 5 jq1yyy 5 jq1yyy 5 jq1yyy 6 09/01/25 23:52:01 6 09/01/25 23:52:01 1 hello this is kks-1 1 hello this is kks-1 1 hello this is kks 2 8-52-11 minami-senjyuarakawa-kutokyo-to japan 2 3 tokyo metropolitan college of industrial technology 3 toky kks-1 project tokyo metropolitan college of industrialtechnoe 5 jq1yyy 5 jq1yyy 5 jq1yyy 5 jq1yyy 5 jq 6 09/01/25 23:58:0.