The first pass (for Europe) this morning was low, only 6°. All commands were accepted and confirmed several times by COMPASS.
0801UTC 00 compass ff0660000000002100009800ff

A replay of the previous pass! All commands sent and acknowledged at 0939 UTC.
Beacon received at 0943 UTC: 00 compass ff0740150600002100009000ff

Solar Cell Voltage 5.00 V
Solar Panel 6 Cur 43.92 mA
Solar Panel 2 Cur 0.00 mA
Solar Panel 3 Cur 37.65 mA
Solar Panel 4 Cur 131.76 mA
Solar Panel 5 Cur 401.57 mA
EPS Reset Counter 0
Power Level Critical Battery Capacity
Heater Active Battery Heater ON
Power Safe Counter 0
Emergency Mode Counter 0
Battery Voltage 2.82 V
Battery Current 0.00 mA
Battery Temperature -1 °C

Bob, W1ICW:
Hi Mike, I tried the 14:29 pass today. I was able to upload the heater off and test beacon commands twice, and got confirmations twice. I received no other signals from the satellite for the entire pass. Wish I had better news. Bob W1ICW

Robert, NH7WNAloha Mike
1943 Z Copied CW on first pass: ..090404180000210000900001
Robert NH7WN

Solar Cell Voltage     .
Solar Panel 6 Cur      56.47 mA
Solar Panel 2 Cur      0.00 mA
Solar Panel 3 Cur      150.59 mA
Solar Panel 4 Cur      25.10 mA
Solar Panel 5 Cur      25.10 mA
EPS Reset Counter      0 
Power Level            Critical Battery Capacity 
Heater Active          Battery Heater ON 
Power Safe Counter     0 
Emergency Mode Counter     0 
Battery Voltage        2.82 V
Battery Current        0.00 mA
Battery Temperature     1 °C

Alan, ZL2BX
Hi Mike, I sent those commands at 1947 UT this morning and all accepted OK. No beacon heard but low elevation short pass. Alan, ZL2BX

Robert, NH7WN:
No beacon on second pass. Sent tones without any obvious response. Xmitted from 2106Z- 2108Z. I do think my first copy indicated that the heater might be off?? Robert in Honolulu.

Alan, ZL2BX
Hi Mike, Commands sent and acknowledged at 2120 UT. No beacon heard during the entire 13 minute pass.

Sent numerous battery off commands on the 2256 UT Compass pass (9deg el) but no response. The first time it has ignored me on a sunlit pass Hi.

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