Hi this is ARISSat-1 Amateur Radio Satellite RS01S
International Greetings
Sekai no minasan kon_nichi wa. Boku-tachi, watasi-tachi wa Iruma-si jidou sentaa de musen ya tenmon no katsudou wo site imasu. Itsuno hi ka boku-tachi kodomo demo kokusai-utyuu-suteisyon ni ikeru hi wo, tanosimi ni siteimasu. Ai-kotoba wa ‘Kibou’ desu.
Hello, all of you of the world. We are doing activity of radio and astronomy in “Children center in Iruma-City. The day when
even we child can go to International Space Station looks forward to coming sometime or other. The secret word is HOPE. [thanks Mineo san, JE9PEL]
2011 AD – marks 50 years since when the first human went into space. We give our best wishes to everyone who is listening to us on Radio Sputnik and RadioScaf-2. Sputnik has been launched from International space station. I wish for happyness and joy and a rebirth for society/civilization for all people in the mortal realm. Thank you. Password BENGALI.
Hallo mijn klas 6ab wonen in Belgie. Beter gezegd: Belgie, met B van betoverend mooi, de E van erg klein is ons land, de L van Leuven. Daar is onze school, de G van gezellig, de I van in onze klas zitten we met drieentwintig, en de E van dit is het einde van onze boodschap. Groetjes uit Belgie. Het geheime woord is BOUWEN.”
Hello! My class is 6ab. We live in Belgium – Or as we call it : Belgie. B stands for enchantingly beautiful, E for a very small but easy-access country, L for Leuven, where our school is situated, G for cosy and gentle, I in our class there are 23 interesting people, E end of this message! Greetings from Belgium! The secret word is: BUILD. [thanks Danny, ON5UE]
2011 is the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space, we are university students from different countries, welcome all the audience who are listening to our program now. A new small spacecraft — RadioSCAF-2 is now in space and orbiting the earth, this satellite was launched from the International Space Station during the EVA of cosmonauts in space. [thanks Edward, BX1AD]
Wij zijn 6B uit De Haan. Samen kunnen wij alles aan. Blank of zwart. Maakt niet uit. Met ze’n allen rappen we luid. Wees altijd goed voor elkaar. En ons rappertje is nu klaar. Het geheime woord is CHOCOLADEFRIET.
We are 6B from De Haan, translated: The Cock. Together we are a very nice flock, Black or white, it doesn’t matter as long as you’re an inspired rapper, together we proclaim loudly, treat each other kindly. We hope this rap is very nice. The secret word is CHOCOLADEFRIET. [thanks Danny, ON5UE]
En la tierra hay mucho odio y muchas guerras. El espacio es infinito y por el viajan las emisiones de todos los radioaficionados del mundo sin distinción de raza, credo o condición. Luchemos para que prevalezca esta visión de la humanidad más allá de los confines de nuestra galaxia. Desde España EB7DX. La palabra secreta es FRECUENCIA.
In the Earth there is so much hate and wars. The Space is infinite and for it travels the broadcasts of all hams around the world, regardless of race, creed or condition. Let’s fight to prevail this vision of the mankind beyond the ends of our galaxy. From Spain, EB7DX. The secret word is FREQUENCY. [thanks Fran, EA1JM]
South America (spain)
Año 2011 el Libertario 50 el primer vuelo tripulado sportimer. Somos estudiantes de diferentes países y saludamos a todos los que nos escuchen. Este satélite fue lanzado desde la estación espacial internacional durante la salida tripulada de los astronautas al espacio. Les deseamos a todos paz en la tierra y felicidad a cada uno de ustedes. Éxito en las realizaciones cósmicas en bien de la humanidad. Password: SPAM.
Year 2011, Liberty-50 the first tripulated flight sporttimer. We are students from different countries and we greet to all that listen us. This satellite was launched from the International Space Station during the programmed spacewalk of its astronauts. We wish you all peace on Earth and happiness for each one of you. Success in the cosmic missions for the good of the mankind. Password: SPAM [thanks Fran, EA1JM]
Que todas as viagens espaciais e as comunicacoes com radioamadores, continuem a unir os homens para alem do tempo e do espaco. Password: FRATERNIDADE.
Wishing all space trips and amateur radio comunication will join men bejond time and space. Password: FRATERNITY. [thanks Fransisco, CT1EAT]
En 2011, cela fera 50 ans que le 1er voyage de l’homme dans l’espace a ete effectue. Nous, etudiants de divers pays du monde, saluons tous ceux qui nous ecoutent en ce moment. C’est l’equipage de l’appareil Radio Oscar 2, radio etudiante de l’espace qui vous parle. Ce satellite a ete lance d’un centre spatial international profitant de la sortie d’un equipage de cosmonautes dans l’espace. Nous souhaitons a tous la paix sur la terre ainsi que bonheur, succes et reussite spatiale a toute l’humanite. Password FRANCE
In 2011, it will 50 years since the first human journey into space has been made. We, students from various countries of the world, welcome all who are listening right now. This is the crew of the aircraft Oscar Radio 2, Radio Student of space that speaks to you. This satellite was launched
from a space center enjoying the international release of a crew of astronauts in space. We wish all peace on earth and happiness, success and success in space to all mankind. Password FRANCE. [thanks Daniel, F6CDZ]
Je me nomme Maxime et moi Vincent Nos parents sont Gaetan VE2… et Sonia VE2… Nous habitons la ville de Quebec. Grace a l’experimentation continue de la radioamateur, ce message vous parvient de l’espace et a pour but de souhaiter la paix et l’harmonie a tous les habitants de la terre. Le mot secret du Canada est OK. Our parents are VE2 Gaetan … VE2 and Sonia
We live in the city of Quebec. Through experimentation continues to amateur radio, this message reaches you the space and aims to desire peace and harmony to all the inhabitants of the earth. The secret word of Canada is OK.[thanks Daniel, F6CDZ]
Bonjour a tous les enfants de la terre. Le mot secret est RANTANPLAN.
Hello to all children of the earth. The secret word is RANTANPLAN. [thanks Daniel, F6CDZ]
The Netherlands (german)
Ich heiße Josephin, wohne in den Niederlanden. Ich möchte an alle Kinder in der Welt eine Grußbotschaft senden. Ich wünsche Euch allen Frieden, Gesundheit und viel Erfolg. Amateurfunk ist gut für Völkerverständigung. Das Geheimwort ist JUPITER.
My name is Josephine, I live in the Netherlands. I would like to send a message to all children in the world. I wish you all peace, health and much success. Amateur radio is good for international understanding. The secret word is JUPITER.
Shalom. I’m Nimrod Doron, a student in Yad Giora junior high ninth grade Participant in the space program of Herzliya Science Center in Israel My friends and I want to ask everyone to respect human dignity, regardless of religion, race and gender Work for peace and contribute to protecting the Earth and the Environment. [thanks Shamai, 4Z1WS]
L’anno 2011 sarà il cinquantennio del primo volo nello spazio da parte dell’uomo. Gli studenti delle Universita di tutti i paesi salutano tutti coloro che li stanno ascoltando. Siamo in onda attraverso la piccola stazione spaziale RadioSkaf-II che appartiene ai giovani, vi auguriamo che ci sia sempre la pace sulla Terra e tanta felicita per ognuno di voi. Mettete la vostra (??) conoscenza in campo spaziale al servizio dell’umanita. Buona
fortuna. Password: ITALY.
2011 will be the 50th anniversary for the first space flight, scat2? it’s a small radio station. For all the young people around the world at universities and all that are listening. Peace on earth. Password: ITALY. [thanks Fabio, IW8QKU/5 and Rob, M0TFO]
Ciao, mi chiamo Giulia e sono italiana, una cosa importante nella mia vita e, credo anche nella vostra e l’amicizia un tesoro del quale non si puo fare a meno. Un amico e una persona con cui parli e ti confidi, ti sfoghi, ti diverti. Un amico ti aiuta e ti sostiene, tu gli dai la tua fiducia e lui ti da la sua. La chiave segreta e VERSILIA.
Ciao my name is Julia, I am Italian, the important thing in my life is luck, and in your life is friendship, in which you can not do without, and some one you confide in, by telling them every thing. You let every thing out and it helps you. Some one who you can trust, will trust you. The secret password is VERSILIA. [thanks Fabio, IW8QKU/5 and Rob, M0TFO]
Puerto Rico
Hola! mi nombre es Wesley KP4WES. Estoy muy contento de formar parte de este proyecto. Un saludo a todos los radioaficionados del mundo en especial a los de Puerto Rico. 73 KP4WES
KP4WES, my name is Wesley and I give all amateur radio operators in the world the greetings, especialy my Puerto Rico friends. I am happy to join this project. Greetings, Wesley KP4WES. [thanks Fran, EA1JM, Willem, WP3UX]
Now, I’m pretty sure that my other dreams and interplanetary travel theoretically grounded me, pretend to be a reality. Cordial greetings to you. Password: SPORADIC. [thanks Nikolaj, UR5BFX]
This is Kedr! Preliminary stage – intermediate – main – LIFT OFF! We wish you a good flight. Everything is all right. Off we go! Lets keep going. Password: POJECHALI. [thanks Nikolaj, UR5BFX]
2011 – the year the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space, and we, students of different universities are leased to welcome all who hear us now. On the air side of cosmic RADIOSCAF-2. This satellite was launched from the International Space Station during the exit of astronauts in space. We wish peace on earth and happiness for everyone, science and space achievements. Password: SPORADIC.
[thanks Nikolaj, UR5BFX]
A small voice from space with a big warm greeting toall upon earth. The secret word is BULLE. [thanks Hakan, SM7WSJ]
I am Matthew from England – and I am Rebecca from England. In October 2008 my sister Rebecca and I spoke to the International Space Station,with the help of amateur radio. Today we speak to you from space and send our greetings and wish you and your family peace and happiness. The secret word is EAGLE. bye bye – bye bye. [thanks Rob, M0TFO]
Greetings students of the world, this is a message from your friends from Cypress Fairbanks Hamilton Middle School in Houston Texas, USA. We all share the mutual excitement of the future of space travel. The USA special word is SPIRIT. [thanks Rob, M0TFO]
Hi I’m Trevor from Sleepy Hill elementary and I’m Jessie from Griffin elementary. We appreciate the opportunity of greeting the world to Ham Radio, We wish Goodwill to all the world and the hope of freedom for everyone. The secret word is EXPLORE. [thanks Rob, M0TFO]
La ciencia és l´eina més útil en la descoberta de l´espai. L´estació espacial internacional és el projecte més important de colaboració espacial entre les nacions del món. La comunitat de radioaficionats ens afegim a aquest esforç mitjançant el projecte aris. Saludem a tots els radio escoltas d´aquest satelit. La paraula secreta és MEDITERRANIA.
The Science is the more useful tool in the discovery of the Space. The International Space Station is the more important project of space collaboration between the nations of the world. The amateur ham community joins to this effort through the ARISS project. We greet to all the listeners of this Satellite. The secret word is MEDITERRANIA. [thanks Sebastian, EA3AKG]
Sann 2011 manish antarikshayama pahilo palta udeko 50 barsha pugeko upalakshayama hami bibhinna deshka bishwobidhyalaka biddhyarthiharu sabailai swagat gardachhaun. Antarikshayaka euta namuna nirmit manab bhu-upagraha shakti bata hamilai sundai hunuhunchha. Tyo bhu-upagrahalai antarastriya antarikshaya kendrabata udaaiyo. Hami samasta prithvi basimathi sukha ra safaltako shuvakamana byakta gardachhaun.
2011 ! We, the university students of different countries welcome you on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the first human space flight. You are listening to us through the power of small satellite which was flown from international space station. we wish happiness and prosperity to all people in the world. Password – NEPAU
This is a tremendous resource – many thanks for all the work put into this! -Clint K6LCS
Excellent resource! Thanks for putting this together and all the great info you have provided on ARISSat-1.
I do want to make a correction however; on your first USA greeting it should be “Cypress Fairbanks Hamilton Middle School” not “cybersphere inc. Pendleton Middle School”. I had to listen to it several times to figure it out. Thanks again for all your hard work on your blog!
Great thanks Jason. I corrected it :-)