ESTCube-1 Telemetry

Date and Time: 29-07-2013 11:35 - 11:47 UTC
Object       : ESTCUBE-1 - 13021C
Max elevation: 46 degree
Azimuth      : 008 - 213 degree
Polarization : LHCP Because of the carrier at 437.495
Signal       : max 25 dB above noise
Frequency    : 437.505000 MHz FM +/- Doppler
Status       : Active
Remark       : Interference from a local generated carrier

Date and Time: 29-07-2013 08:24 - 08:26 UTC
Object       : ESTCUBE-1 - 13021C
Max elevation: 00 degree
Azimuth      : 064 - 089 degree
Polarization : RHCP Strongest
Signal       : max xx dB above noise
Frequency    : 437.505000 MHz FM +/- Doppler
Status       : Active
Remark       :


Decode data until 11:47 UTC


Kiss file 08:24 – 11:47 UTC download: ESTCube-1_29072013_0752.kss

ESTCube-1 Receiver

ESTcube-1 GNU Radio receiver:

Follow the link and download the gr-ec source and compile it as mentioned on the page. After that, create the following GNU radio blocks to decode the data from ESTCube-1. This setup can also be used for other AX25 signals maybe this will also work for BeeSAT-2 4800 band GMSK.

GNU Radio ESTCube-1 Receiver

Is there somebody familiar with GNU Radio to get this up and running? I’ll give it a try with my Ubuntu 12.03 TLS install.