RS-39 daily summary

Summary of the satellite “Chibis-M” on the first turn, presented by the ground control Kaluga

MC Branch, “Chibis-M” of THC occurred on schedule at 23:18:30 UTC (Jan 24). Immediately after turning on the presence of a signal was received at the remote reception center in Krasnoyarsk, where he was seconded to the representative NILAKT. The signal was heard with a good volume. On the first circuit within sight of the ground control Kaluga was installed two-way radio and radio were tested both. Commands were issued, which allowed to assess the state of power supply systems, state radio systems and other onboard systems. According to our data radio system and power system are functioning normally. Was checked battery voltage, current consumption equipment, modes of operation of the devices, solar panels work. Scan results are normal.

The next stage of the study was conducted orientation and stabilization systems. On the first turn produced:

– Reading of orientation sensors: magnetometers, sun sensors, the angular velocity in order to verify their efficiency, as well as estimates of the initial angular velocities of the satellite after its separation from THC;
– Control settings and the calibration parameters of orientation and stabilization by comparing them with pre-values ​​in the world;
– To set and monitor performance of the algorithm of satellite stabilization – damping of the angular velocity of rotation with a rotation of the solar panels at the sun. To implement these checks had been formulated a sequence diagram issuing commands, which was implemented in the first communications. The result is the following:
– On the first turn of the telemetry revealed that the initial angular velocity according to the testimony of CRS (angular velocity sensor) after the removal of THC was, in absolute value, of about 4 deg / sec
– Turns on all clear that the magnetometer readings, according to the telemetry data, change adequately,
– On the first, second and third turns according to the testimony of two-level satellite has a constant in magnitude and direction of the angular velocity, which suggests that the algorithm is the damping of angular velocity is not operated;
– The control system configuration orientation held on the third circuit showed that the wrong set of satellite stabilization mode, which is the reason for the lack of damping of angular velocity in the first stage, to address the issue on board were transferred to the appropriate commands to enable the desired mode of stabilization;
– Further control on the fourth circuit, showed that the damping is implemented, the angular velocity is reduced by an order. It shows performance of the algorithm pre-sedation
– The first circuit has the problem with the solar sensor 209, as expressed in the fact that the testimony with him, “zaliplo” and did not change regardless of whether the sun comes into its field of view or not. Problem solved removing the power supply and all sensors in conjunction with solar restart the procedure for their interview;
– On the fourth circuit board laid on the actual orbital elements, verified that they are received and properly used for the prediction of the orbit on board the satellite.
– In front of the domain of “Deaf” is de-energized coils BUSOS to conserve power until the next nearest session.

Plans for the next sessions for orientation and stabilization system:

– Calibration of the magnetometer;
– Calibration of solar sensors;
– Inclusion of a three-axis attitude determination algorithm using a magnetometer and sun sensor local algorithm;

At the turn of a signal has been switched off 10:30:23 presence in order to save battery power.

Management activities are conducted on the satellite ground complex NILAKT DOSAAF in the city of Kaluga, and a remote ground complex NILAKT located in Krasnoyarsk.

Starting from the time of separation and to present the signals MC “Chibis-M” watching amateurs around the world. At the first turn of reports of reception of a signal at the frequency of the presence of 435,315 MHz have been obtained from hams, Ust-Kut and Yakutsk, Khabarovsk and Kamchatka on radio. After this, began to receive information about the reception of signals from Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, India, the USA and Western Europe.

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