11:52 UTCThanks Raul, CA3SOC
UBS 137 IBS 32 USUN 145 ISUN 73 ITXA 0 ITXB 0 TTXA 109 TTXB 107 TNAP 108 TCTR 108 TSBA 103 TSBB 76 MODB 129 MODC 6 MTX 35 MRX 00 OnBoard Voltage: 13,7 V OnBoard Current: 0,32 mA Charge Voltage from Solar Batterie: 14,5 V Charge current from solar battery 0,73 mA D.C. current of the 435 MHz TX: 0 mA D.C. current of the 145 MHz TX: 0 mA Temperature of the 435 MHz TX: 9 °C Temperature of the 145 MHz TX: 7 °C Temperature of the Navigation Unit: 8 °C Temperature of the Controller: 8 °C Temperature of the inner case: 3 °C Temperature of the outer case: -24 °C Housekeeping info: 129 Housekeeping info: 6 Housekeeping info: 35 Housekeeping info: 00