12:04 UTC

pr0 00b425a5a521a5a4
pr1 00a5a61dffb91e00
pr2 00332b2b0b000000
pr3 00001d0080003102
pr4 003727002e2d0600
pr5 0053000087868b80
pr6 00686c676c696600
pr7 006c6d676c656500
pr8 410000000000000010000000
pr9 4040403f404040403f40403f40403f3f..
pra 001419e04e
prb 065042504250420000
prc //
prd -wish peace bytsuda aboard prism
pr0 00b425a5a421a5a4
pr1 00a5a51dfdb91300
pr2 000a172f000f0012
pr3 0000000000003102

Ticks          : 1317344 s = 15d 05:55:44
Operation Mode : NORMAL

Supply Voltage
CDH A sub          : 5.52    V   |  Mission sub        : 1.13    V
Power sub          : 5.06    V   |  CDH  B sub         : 5.03    V
TX sub             : 1.01    V   |  Main RX sub        : 5.06    V
Sub RX sub         : 5.03    V   |  Mag torquer sub    : 5.06    V
AFSK radio         : 5.06    V   |  GMSK radio         : 1.33    V
Solar Cell Output  : 11.63   V   |  Battery Voltage    : 8.51    V

Battery Voltage    : 8.51    V   |  Charging Curr      : 8.51    mA

Solar Cell Output Current
+X panel           : 41.80   mA  |  -X panel           : 96.14   mA
+Y panel           : 196.46  mA  |  -Y panel           : 0.00    mA
+X panel reverse   : 29.35   mA  |  -X panel reverse   : 0.00    mA
+Y reverse         : 35.22   mA  |  -Y reverse         : 0.00    mA
+X body            : 0.00    mA  |  -X body            : 0.00    mA
+Y body            : 0.00    mA  |  -Y body            : 0.00    mA
CDH sub A          : 300.40  mA  |  Mission sub        : 8.36    mA

Supply Current
Power sub          : 33.72   mA  |  CDH sub B          : 16.30   mA
TX sub             : 0.00    mA  |  Main RX sub        : 19.23   mA
Sub RX sub         : 18.81   mA  |  AFSK radio         : 36.78   mA
GMSK radion        : 0.00    mA  |  Sensor system      : 76.33   mA
Heater             : 0.00    mA  |  Deployment         : 0.00    mA

Gyroscope X        : 0.68    rad/s
Gyroscope Y        : -1.42   rad/s
Gyroscope Z        : -1.42   rad/s

body +X            : -4.87   C  |  body -X            : -11.31  C
body +Y            : -3.26   C  |  body -Y            : -11.31  C
body +Z            : -6.48   C  |  body -Z            : -1.65   C
panel +X           : -11.31  C  |  panel -X           : -12.92  C
panel +Y           : -3.26   C  |  panel -Y           : -11.31  C
Battery A          : -0.04   C  |  Battery B          : -0.04   C

Power Switching History of
SDH sub A          : 4 x uplink command     |  Mission sub        : no error
CDH sub B          : no error     |  TX sub             : no error
Main RX sub        : no error     |  Sub RX sub         : no error
AFSK radio         : no error     |  Mag Torquer        : no error
GMSK radio         : 1 x         |  Sensor system      : no error
Heater             : no error     |  Deployment         : no error

Switching Status of
CDH sub A          : ON          |  Mission sub        : ON     
CDH sub B          : ON          |  TX sub             : OFF    
Main RX sub        : ON          |  Sub RX sub         : ON     
AFSK radio         : ON          |  Mag Torquer        : ON     
TX GMSK            : OFF         |  TX Sensor          : ON     
TX Heater          : ON          |  TX Deploy          : OFF    
GMSK Protect       : ON          |  CDH Protect        : ON     
Batt Charge        : OFF         |  Emerg Batt         : OFF    

Error Log
Error Pointer      : 6                          |  Error log 1        : serial comm Main RX
Error log 2        : competing of commands      |  Error log 3        : serial comm Main RX
Error log 4        : competing of commands      |  Error log 5        : serial comm Main RX
Error log 6        : competing of commands      |  Error log 7        : no error
2009-02-07 06:54:27.420 UTC: [99 Bytes KISS Frame (without CRC)]
ctrl: 3   PID: F0 {UI}   80 Payload Bytes
from JQ1YZW to JQ1YCX: 
   1 > 27 FB FB D7 B0 80 4B 0A D7 95 47 4D 53 4B 20 74 65 73 74 20 
  21 > 70 61 63 6B 65 74 2E 20 49 53 53 4C 2C 55 54 20 68 74 74 70 
  41 > 3A 2F 2F 77 77 77 2E 73 70 61 63 65 2E 74 2E 75 2D 74 6F 6B 
  61 > 79 6F 2E 61 63 2E 6A 70 2F 70 72 69 73 6D 2F 41 09 0D 0A 00 
  81 > 
'ûû×°€K.וGMSK test packet. ISSL,UT


2009-02-07 06:54:28.080 UTC: [99 Bytes KISS Frame (without CRC)]
ctrl: 3   PID: F0 {UI}   80 Payload Bytes
from JQ1YZW to JQ1YCX: 
   1 > 27 FB FB D7 B0 80 4B 0A D7 95 47 4D 53 4B 20 74 65 73 74 20 
  21 > 70 61 63 6B 65 74 2E 20 49 53 53 4C 2C 55 54 20 68 74 74 70 
  41 > 3A 2F 2F 77 77 77 2E 73 70 61 63 65 2E 74 2E 75 2D 74 6F 6B 
  61 > 79 6F 2E 61 63 2E 6A 70 2F 70 72 69 73 6D 2F 41 09 0D 0A 00 
  81 > 
'ûû×°€K.וGMSK test packet. ISSL,UT


2009-02-07 06:54:42.190 UTC: [105 Bytes KISS Frame (without CRC)]
ctrl: 3   PID: F0 {UI}   86 Payload Bytes
from JQ1YZW to JQ1YCX: 
   1 > 56 E6 0B 02 F7 58 A7 58 4A 10 63 74 6C 67 32 2D 30 32 40 01 
  21 > 00 0C 05 95 09 02 07 17 37 12 A3 A8 A6 22 99 99 99 99 99 9A 
  41 > 99 18 13 87 13 00 1B 2B 02 31 24 5E 2C 27 05 00 53 00 00 00 
  61 > 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4B 59 65 65 65 66 5E 61 77 
  81 > 3C 47 09 0D 0A 00 

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