
19:30 UTC

EDAC               :  21589
Status (LowByte)   :  01100101
Status (HighByte)  :  10000000

+10V Battery Bus   :  11.29 V
Battery Out Current:  37.80 mA
Base Temp          :  14.40 °C
TX Power           :  7.00 -
+5V RX Bus         :  4.88 V
+8.5V RX Bus       :  8.36 V
+10V RX Bus        :  11.28 V

2 thoughts on “IO-26”

  1. Raul, I set the downlink at 435.788 USB. Check the waterfall in MixW and adjust frequency as needed. MixW – Packet Mode. Modem = VHF 1200 baud (satellite PSK)”

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