FUNcube-2 Whole Orbit Data

18:43 UTC ascending 10 deg elevation pass from eclipse into sunlight (18:45 UTC)

Fitter messages
FM1: Hello World!
FM2: This is FUNcube-2 on UKube-1 which has just been launched into space. This 30x10x10cm CubeSat will bring fun to the classroom from space
FM3: Congratulations to the whole UKube-1 team for creating this exciting CubeSat project and thanks for allowing FUNcube to have a place on board
FM4: This part of the spacecraft has been developed by a team of volunteers from AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-NL. Please visit the AMSAT-UK web site at for more details about AMSAT-UK
FM5: More information about this spacecraft, orbital details etc and the telemetry decoder and dashboard can be downloaded from
FM7: The main FUNcube-2 tech team is: Dave G4DPZ, David G0MRF, Duncan Hills, Gerard Aalbers, Graham G3VZV, Jason G7OCD, Jim G3WGM, Howard G6LVB, Phil Ashby, Wouter PA3WEG & Wouter Jan PE4WJ


InSunlight                      True                 |  SA +Y Deploy +                  45.62     mA      
SA +Y Deploy -                  0.00      mA         |  SA Y Fix +                      47.79     mA      
SA Y Fix -                      0.00      mA         |  SA Z Fix +                      0.00      mA      
SA Z Fix -                      80.92     mA         |  SA -Y Deploy +                  0.00      mA      
SA -Y Deploy -                  483.00    mA         |  SA X Fix +                      0.00      mA      
SA Z Fix -                      355.92    mA         |  SA +X Deploy +                  329.47    mA      
SA +X Deploy -                  0.00      mA         |  Temp SA Z+                      26        C       
BattCurrentDir0                 0                    |  BattCurrent0                    302.00    mA      
BattVolts0                      8.25      V          |  BattTemp0                       12.41     C       
BattCurrentDir1                 0                    |  BattCurrent1                    289.20    mA      
BattVolts1                      8.21      V          |  BattTemp1                       13.71     C       
BattCurrentDir2                 0                    |  BattCurrent2                    263.60    mA      
BattVolts2                      8.17      V          |  BattTemp2                       15.02     C       
AutoThermalControl              True                 |  AntTimeout                      6         s       
Frame Number                    23                   |  AntTempA                        0.00      C       
RfReceiverDoppler               149.00    mV         |  RfReceiverRSSI                  255       dBm     
RfTemp                          -117.37   C          |  RfReceiveCurrent                25.44     mA      
RfTransmitCurrent3              25.44     mA         |  RfTransmitCurrent5              58.51     mA      
PaReversePower                  5.57      mW         |  PaForwardPower                  65.43     mW      
PaTemperature                   27.99     C          |  PaCurrent                       54.76     mA      
AmacMode                        detumb               |  Amac Mag X                      -2390     nT      
MM Mode                         safe                 |  MM CommsNominal                 0                 
MM CommsState                   1                    |  TMTCModeIdleEnable              False             
TMTCEventForw                   False                |  TCBufferRXEnable                7                 
TMBufferTXEnable                6                    |  OBCSoftResetCount               106               
EpsHardResetCount               247                  |  SequenceNumber                  12454375          
DtmfCommandCount                0                    |  DtmfLastCommand                 0                 
DtmfCommandSuccess              0                    |  Amac Mag Y                      -19908    nT      
Amac Mag Z                      -30360    nT         |  Mag F (calc.)                   36384     nT      
FUNTRX enabled                  True                 |  Sample enabled                  True              

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