Congrats to the team and thanks to all for data submission on the very first passes :-)
AMSAT Fox Leaderboard Statistics as of Thu, Oct 8, 2015 9:06:53 PM UTC 10 PE0SAT 5 ZL2BX 4 DK3WN 3 Sputnix R2ANF 3 PY4ZBZ 3 M0SAT 3 KC9TTR 2 ON4HF 2 G4AYU 1 PY2SDR 36 frames received
Thanks also to the tireless efforts of Douglas, KA2UPW/5, all submitted telemetry (raw and decoded) is now going up on the AMSAT website. Point your browser at
Receiver: DK3WN 96 bytes of telemetry was received on Thu, 08 Oct 2015 19:30:33 UTC Fox ID=1, reset count=0, uptime=7800, type=1 Rx Antenna Deploy=1, Tx Antenna Deploy=1,Telemetry Reset Count=0 Vulcan Communications OK Battery I2C Telem Failure=1, PSU1 I2C Telem Failure=0, PSU2 I2C Telem Failure=0 Converted values: Battery Voltage= 4.2, IHU Junction Temp=50.9C +X Panel Volts= 0.3, +Y Panel Volts= 0.3, +Z Panel Volts= 0.3 -X Panel Volts= 0.3, -Y Panel Volts= 0.3, -Z Panel Volts= 0.4 +X Panel Temp=12.9C, +Y Panel Temp=11.9C, +Z Panel Temp= 6.8C, PSU Current= 0.0 ma -X Panel Temp= 9.5C, -Y Panel Temp=11.8C, -Z Panel Temp=15.3C, PSU Temp=27.6C X MEMS=23.9 dps, Y MEMS=-0.8 dps,Z MEMS=15.1 dps) Receiver: Temp=28.1C, RSSI=-111.9 dbm
Fox-1A heard over Brazil – GH14wj. 73 de PU9WIL – Wilmar