The United States Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) has identified a predicted conjunction between DELFI C3 (SCC# 32789) and PEGASUS DEB (SCC# 24097).
Primary Object: DELFI C3 (SCC# 32789)
Secondary Object: SCC# 24097
Time of Closest Approach: 31 MAR 2012 03:24 UTC
Overall miss distance: 789 meters
Radial (dU) miss distance: -96 meters
In-Track (dV) miss distance: -6 meters
Cross-track (dW) miss distance: 783 meters
Primary Radial Error (U): 20 meters
Primary In-track Error (V): 2050 meters
Primary Cross-track Error (W): 11 meters
Secondary Radial Error (U): 51 meters
Secondary In-track Error (V): 2653 meters Secondary Cross-track Error (W): 13 meters
I proposed to Simone Corbellini to start a temporaly tracker page to this situation, the draft verison is here:
I think, the impotance is in the situation, when we can test the accuracy and the capabilities of our measuring techniques and the monitoring practices with this two small objects. In the future it will happen more often similar situations, and it would be good to collect some practices. Maybe on the next generations of this small satellites will be use active components, to modifying the orbits in such critical situations.
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