CubeBug-1 telemetry

Uptime: 5:33:24s, Mode: SURVIVAL

tickcount _hi                   0                    |  tickcount_low                   20004947          
current mode                    3                    |  heap free                       13320             
low voltage count               0                    |  Battery Voltage                 8.21      V       
Array X Voltage                 8.03      V          |  Array X+ Current                139.77    mA      
Array X- Current                139.77    mA         |  Array Y Voltage                 8.32      V       
Array Y+ Current                139.77    mA         |  Array Y- Current                139.77    mA      
Array Z Voltage                 4.87      V          |  Array Z+ Current                527.97    mA      
Array Z- Current                -27.10    mA         |  3V3 Bus Current                 231.42    mA      
5V Bus Current                  359.00    mA         |  Battery Temp                    8.36      C       
Radio Temp                      14.19     C          |  last seen seq no.               4                 
next beacon enabled             0                    |  Antenna Status                  16                
Magnetometer X                  12870     nT         |  Magnetometer Y                  -2350     nT      
Magnetometer Z                  20740     nT         |  Gyroscope X                     -0.03     deg/s   
Gyroscope Y                     -0.49     deg/s      |  Gyroscope Z                     -0.05     deg/s   

The first packet you decoded we have seen already, and is very interesting: it’s the answer to a command we sent. This means it’s the answer to command 000004 (which we sent), and the data is 43 44 48 == ‘CDH’. The command we sent is a sort of PING which asked the subsystem cdh it’s name, hence “CDH”. That’s how we were sure the satellite had answered our command correctly. Now we also have a beacon that read “Last Seen Seq: 4”, which also confirms the sat received our command :)

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