2010-12-16 00:29 UTC FF002900000001301000CC0000 JA1GDE
2010-12-16 00:33 UTC FF000300160001301000CC00FF JA1GDE, JA6PL
2010-12-16 00:37 UTC FF000007080001301000CC00F9 JA1GDE, JA6PL
2010-12-16 00:49 UTC ff070700000001301000...... VK5HI
2010-12-16 00:53 UTC ff000500000701301000cc00ff VK5HI
2010-12-16 00:56 UTC f4000700000701301000cc00ff VK5HI
Alan, ZL2BX: Two passes again today with all commands accepted and acknowledged but no FM downlink. It looks as though Compass is permanently off at the moment. I again tried to turn on the FM transmitter but it made no difference.