23:55 UTC ..............201800B72903 heater off 3.59V (VE9QRP) --- 01:40 UTC 29000000000000201800BB2902 heater off 3.67V (VE9QRP) 02:06 UTC 29000000000000201800C129FF heater off 3.78V (JA6PL) 03:12 UTC 29000000000000201800BB2903 heater off 3.67V (KD8CAO) 09:26 UTC 51100180700000202901BB1807 heater off 3.67V (ZL2BX) 10:54 UTC 29000000000000202902C11607 heater off 3.78V (ZL2BX) 11:16 UTC 29000000000000202902C01605 heater off 3.76V (JA6PL, JA0CAW) 11:45 UTC 74088224201100102902c300ff heater off 3.82V (M3RRX) 12:53 UTC 90002900065900202907c20004 heater off 3.80V (JE9PEL, JA0CAW) 13:30 UTC 53090030980500202916d200ff heater off 4.12V (W1ICW) :-) 00DP0COM/ COMPASS 1/ 012345/ COMPASS/ 1 00DP0COM/ COMPASS 1/ 012345/ COMPASS /1 14:57 UTC 87076900003400202947c700ff heater off 3.90V (W1ICW) 15:00 UTC 87076900003400202947C700FF heater off 3.90V (KD8CAO) 16:16 UTC D2070050880000102949CC00FF heater off 4.00V (W1ICW) 16:34 UTC D2070050880000102949CC00FF heater off 4.00V (KD8CAO) 16:38 UTC A9000031B60000102949CC00FF heater off 4.00V (KD8CAO) 16:42 UTC EE000027901800102949C70000 heater off 3.90V (KD8CAO) 17:56 UTC 40000000000000102949c01401 heater off 3.76V (DK3WN) 19:29 UTC 29000000000000102949c11500 heater off 3.78V (DK3WN) 19:32 UTC 70130900000000102949bb0801 heater off 3.67V (DK3WN) 19:36 UTC 54290029250000102949c10000 heater off 3.78V (DK3WN) 19:57 UTC .................949C40000 heater off 3.84V (NH7WN) 20:00 UTC 95078000000000102949C40000 heater off 3.84V (NH7WN) 20:03 UTC 60003400070000102949C40802 heater off 3.84V (NH7WN) 20:15 UTC 60070100245000102949D10005 heater off 4.10V (ZL2BX) 20:19 UTC 90000000005000102949C90006 heater off 3.94V (ZL2BX) 20:23 UTC 50180707000000102949C30707 heater off 3.82V (ZL2BX) 21:01 UTC 29000000000000102949c11504 heater off 3.78V (DK3WN) 21:05 UTC 29000000000000102949c01503 heater off 3.76V (DK3WN) 21:09 UTC 60000000003400102949c00000 heater off 3.76V (DK3WN) 21:47 UTC ...... 9C30002 heater off 3.82V (ZL2BX) 21:51 UTC EE290000602900102949D70004 heater off 4.22V (ZL2BX) 21:56 UTC 73000000186000102949C40002 heater off 3.84V (ZL2BX) 22:00 UTC 60001300001700102949C50707 heater off 3.86V (ZL2BX) 23:08 UTC dd095410830600102949d00000 heater off 4.08V (JA0CAW) 23:13 UTC 70079800080000102949c500f2 heater off 3.86V (JA0CAW) 23:53 UTC FF0201000507001??949C700FF heater off 3.90V (ZL2BX) 23:53 UTC 69???????01200102949C700FF heater off 3.90V (ZL2BX)
:-) thank you so much for your efforts!
1753 UTC 5° elev. pass COMPASS back in powersave mode :-)
1753 UTC … 333333 (just came out of eclipse)
1756 UTC 00 compass 40000000000000102949c01401
1759 UTC 00 compass 70….
1925 UTC 29° elev pass, AOS in eclipse
19:29 UTC 00 compass 29000000000000102949c11500
19:32 UTC 00 compass 70130900000000102949bb0801
19:35 UTC current time and online element (TLE) successfully uploaded :-)
19:36 UTC 00 compass 54290029250000102949c10000
21:01 UTC 33° elev pass, AOS in eclipse
21:01 UTC 00 compass 29000000000000102949c11504
21:05 UTC 00 compass 29000000000000102949c01503
21:07 UTC end of eclipse
21:09 UTC 00 compass 60000000003400102949c00000
21:13 UTC 00 compass 500200000000… LOS
Roger, WA1KAT:
Congratulations Mike! Your efforts at rounding up the troops looks to have paid off….
Truly a worldwide ham radio effort!