0820 UTC 17° elev – nothing heard
0957 UTC 60° elev – nothing heard
1132 UTC 10° elev – nothing heard

Nitin VU3TYG, Sion 9W2QC:
Yes, Exactly. I hears at 0338 UTC 09.08 Local time. Two beeps. The next pass at 5.13 UTC I heard the CW telemetry but was not able to decode. Lets try on sunday. Copying Mike, Regards Nitin VU3TYG
> Yes, I did. But I did not hear any confirmation beeps :(
> It was during 1135 Local or 0335 UTC. How many beeps did you hear?
> 73, Sion Chow Q. C., 9W2QC.

Bob W1ICW:
I just tried the 14:44 to 14:57 pass which was 73 plus degree elevation here in VT. I was only able to successfully upload the revised set of commands twice at 14:52 ( pretty much at TCA ) and get confirmations both times. I tried again a third time later in the pass, but only got confirmation for the first command ( ****14#200# ) I heard no other confirmations nor the beacon during the entire pass. 73, Bob W1ICW

1746 UTC 03° elev – nothing heard
1920 UTC 25° elev – nothing heard
2056 UTC 42° elev – nothing heard
2234 UTC 04° elev – nothing heard

Bob W1ICW:
16:21 to 16:31 pass was almost a washout here. At 16:31 or nearly LOS I got confirmation of my test beacon command once. I sent the following string of commands throughout the entire pass, at roughly 1 minute increments: ****14#200# ****13#200# ****16#255# ****35##
No other signals were heard during the entire pass.

Robert NH7WN:
Aloha Mike and Alan, I thought I would have another success story this morning (2000Z). Tones sent but no reply plus no beacon heard. This was the only “good” pass for me today. I will listen tonite and of course watch email for all the good news as it happens. Good luck! 73 Robert NH7WN, Honolulu

Alan, ZL2BX:
Hi Mike, Compass seems to be back to its normal self this morning. All commands sent and acknowledged at 2005 UT. No beacon heard.

Hi Mike, all commands sent and acknowledged at 2141UT. No beacon heard.
As a matter of interest I resent the heater off command at TCA using 5w and the command was acknowledged. Alan, ZL2BX

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