SWSU-55 spectrum – active satellites

437.050 MHz 1k2 AFSK Telemetry - all

437.0000 MHz - SWSU-55 No8 - RS6S active
437.0125 MHz - Tsiolkovsky-Ryazan 2 - RS12S active
437.0250 MHz - Tsiolkovsky-Ryazan 1 - RS9S active
437.0500 MHz - SWSU-55 No1 & R-390 - RS10S not active
437.0620 MHz - SWSU-55 No2 - RS11S not active
437.0750 MHz - SWSU-55 No3 - RS1S active
437.0820 MHz - SWSU-55 No4 - RS2S not active
437.0870 MHz - SWSU-55 No6 - RS4S active
437.1000 MHz - SWSU-55 No5 - RS3S active
437.1125 MHz - SWSU-55 No7 & R-390 - RS5S active

SWSU-55 voice messages

Can someone please help with the identification / translation of the spoken greeting messages?


“Дорогие земляне! Мы шлем вам привет из космоса и хотим пожелать вам космического здоровья, вселенского счастья и удачи! Пусть эти 3 вещи помогут вам в обычной земной жизни добиться самых невероятных высот, пусть ваши победы на Земле будут не менее громкими, чем первый полет человека в космическое пространство.” (Russian voice) [Thanks, Vlad EU1SAT]
Dear Earthlings! We send you greetings from outer space and wish you cosmic health, universal happiness and good luck! May these three things help you to achieve the most incredible heights in your ordinary earthly life, may your victories on Earth be no less loud than the first human flight into outer space.


… the most incredible heights in your everyday life. May your […] be no less loud
than the first human flight into the outer space.

file_03 – spanish voice

Hello. We are pleased to greet all the people on the planet, even those in the most remote places of the planet. Have a good day.
[Thanks @aerozonospace]


On behalf of the more than (seventy? noise) millions of Central Americans and Caribbeans (noise) of the Central American parliament, ultraterrestrial space greetings (noise)… to our terrestrial sisters and brothers with whom we share our belonging to the human species… [Thanks @aerozonospace]

file_05 – russian voice

“Мы, обучающиеся школы номер 59 города Курска, чувствуем импульсы, исходящие из ваших сердец, сквозь расстояния, через тысячи километров, между нами космос, но мы едины!” [Thanks, Vlad EU1SAT]
“We, the students of school number 59 in Kursk, feel the impulses coming from your hearts, through the distance, through thousands of kilometres, there is space between us, but we are one!”

file_05 – spanish voice

… greetings earthlings, human progress has reached space [Thanks @aerozonospace]


“Dear inhabitants of the Earth […] state radio engineering university as the year of peace 20th anniversary sends you greetings from the Tsiolkovsky […] spacecraft launched at the
year of the 165th anniversary” … [Thanks @Dani, EA4GPZ]

file_07 – spanish voice

University unit of the UNAN Managua, from Nicaragua, sends greetings to the inhabitants of the Earth, we invite you to join efforts to protect our planet. [Thanks @aerozonospace]

file_08 – russian voice

Fragment from the speech of Tsiolkovsky on May 1, 1935:
“Юные летатели, так именую я карапузов и с авиамоделями детей у планеров, юношей на самолете, их десятки тысяч у нас, – на них я возлагаю самые смелые надежды. Они помогут осуществить мои открытия, они дадут талантливых строителей первого междупланетного корабля.” (Russian voice) [Thanks, Vlad EU1SAT]
Young pilots, as I call karaputs and with aircraft models of children at the gliders, young men on the plane, we have tens of thousands of them – on them I pin my most daring hopes. They will help to realize my discoveries, they will give talented builders of the first interplanetary spaceship.

file_09 – russian voice

“Приветствую вас жители Земли! Процветания вам и вашим потомкам на тернистом пути именуемом «жизнь» и мира на многие тысячелетия.” [Thanks, Vlad EU1SAT]
“Greetings, people of Earth! Prosperity to you and your descendants on the thorny path called ‘life’ and peace for many millennia.






SWSU-55 – spoken ID’s and telemetry


21:05 RS1S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1142 baud):
SWSU-55 #3 S=2068 U1=4.45 U2=4.29 I1=0.0 T1=22.71 Mx=4.709554 My=-27.136000 Mz=96.657982 Vx=-12.106871 Vy=61.305344 Vz=28.519083 Time=84469156
12:17 RS1S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1143 baud):
SWSU-55 #3 S=416 U1=4.17 U2=4.02 I1=0.0 T1=17.88 Mx=-8.970578 My=-15.698512 Mz=188.830673 Vx=13.885496 Vy=30.160305 Vz=24.526718 Time=15999090
22:14 RS1S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1143 baud):
SWSU-55 #3 S=2308 U1=4.24 U2=4.24 I1=0.0 T1=23.68 Mx=-21.977917 My=-22.426445 Mz=130.073380 Vx=10.213740 Vy=66.396950 Vz=21.679390 Time=94636248


12:21 RS3S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1142 baud):
SWSU-55 #5 S=256 U1=4.26 U2=4.22 I1=0.0 T1=19.17 Mx=36.330841 My=-10.316165 Mz=-33.191139 Vx=-6.473282 Vy=28.381680 Vz=1.160305 Time=9935050
21:01 RS3S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1142 baud):
SWSU-55 #5 S=2023 U1=4.74 U2=4.72 I1=0.0 T1=21.10 Mx=-21.080860 My=-2.691174 Mz=26.911736 Vx=-29.221375 Vy=33.610687 Vz=-14.877863 Time=84612028
21:04 RS3S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1149 baud):
SWSU-55 #5 S=2028 U1=4.55 U2=4.53 I1=0.0 T1=22.39 Mx=65.260956 My=28.481586 Mz=-1.121322 Vx=-30.923664 Vy=33.007633 Vz=15.305344 Time=84823158


20:52 RS4S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1142 baud):
SWSU-55 #6 S=1920 U1=4.96 U2=4.93 I1=0.0 T1=21.42 Mx=23.323503 My=74.007271 Mz=47.544064 Vx=0.000000 Vy=0.000000 Vz=0.000000 Time=79130054
20:54 RS4S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1142 baud):
SWSU-55 #6 S=1921 U1=4.80 U2=4.78 I1=0.0 T1=21.75 Mx=-33.863934 My=47.319801 Mz=43.731571 Vx=0.000000 Vy=0.000000 Vz=0.000000 Time=79164070
12:17 RS4S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1142 baud):
SWSU-55 #6 S=399 U1=4.40 U2=4.28 I1=0.0 T1=22.07 Mx=-41.937454 My=43.283039 Mz=19.959538 Vx=0.000000 Vy=0.000000 Vz=0.000000 Time=15661126
21:19 RS4S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1142 baud):
SWSU-55 #6 S=2157 U1=4.90 U2=4.87 I1=0.0 T1=22.07 Mx=-22.874975 My=46.647007 Mz=53.374943 Vx=0.000000 Vy=0.000000 Vz=0.000000 Time=89116118


20:54 RS5S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1124 baud):
SWSU-55 #7 S=1639 U1=4.25 U2=4.22 T1=8.21 Mx=43.955833 My=-37.227901 Mz=-13.007339 Vx=-21.114504 Vy=30.442749 Vz=-17.778625 Time=81761025 R
21:18 RS5S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1128 baud):
SWSU-55 #7 S=1842 U1=4.35 U2=4.28 T1=13.37 Mx=-10.316165 My=-34.985256 Mz=1.794116 Vx=-10.145039 Vy=29.503817 Vz=24.190840 Time=92091024 R
22:15 RS5S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1127 baud):
SWSU-55 #7 S=1952 U1=4.20 U2=4.21 T1=14.66 Mx=-2.018380 My=-6.055140 Mz=36.555107 Vx=-12.595420 Vy=-36.488548 Vz=-10.687023 Time=97691207 R
22:15 RS5S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1128 baud):
SWSU-55 #7 S=1953 U1=4.20 U2=4.21 T1=13.69 Mx=67.055077 My=0.224264 Mz=-19.511007 Vx=-20.450382 Vy=26.832062 Vz=-23.755726 Time=97728239 R


20:51 RS6S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1132 baud):
SWSU-55 #8 S=1787 U1=5.04 U2=5.02 T1=18.20 Mx=113.029289 My=-0.448529 Mz=26.911736 Vx=-2.152672 Vy=-81.900764 Vz=-19.206106 Time=84145140
12:13 RS6S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1129 baud):
SWSU-55 #8 S=347 U1=4.23 U2=4.07 T1=10.79 Mx=69.297714 My=41.937454 Mz=-31.172760 Vx=0.328244 Vy=-80.106873 Vz=-13.030535 Time=16025095
21:19 RS6S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1136 baud):
SWSU-55 #8 S=2013 U1=4.43 U2=4.26 T1=20.78 Mx=74.007271 My=-21.977917 Mz=19.735273 Vx=-1.061069 Vy=-82.358780 Vz=-21.870230 Time=94943090


21:00 RS9S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1139 baud):
KETs #1 S=2152 U1=4.91 U2=4.89 T1=21.42 Mx=40.367603 My=72.213158 Mz=2.242645 Vx=-52.450382 Vy=-56.564884 Vz=-30.679390 Time=89816039 R1=0 R2=0
21:01 RS9S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1138 baud):
KETs #1 S=2153 U1=5.05 U2=5.02 T1=21.10 Mx=1.345587 My=78.044029 Mz=18.838215 Vx=-5.778626 Vy=-59.030533 Vz=-52.977100 Time=89849006 R1=0 R2=0
21:18 RS9S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1139 baud):
KETs #1 S=2272 U1=4.39 U2=4.30 T1=22.39 Mx=6.727934 My=79.389618 Mz=37.676430 Vx=-50.824429 Vy=-52.488548 Vz=34.557251 Time=95152179 R1=0 R2=0


21:02 RS12S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1134 baud):
KETs #2 S=2122 U1=4.98 U2=4.93 I1=0.0 T1=23.36 Mx=-22.650711 My=-21.753653 Mz=27.584528 Vx=3.305344 Vy=82.358780 Vz=9.877863 Time=87325024 R1=0 R2=0
21:03 RS12S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1134 baud):
KETs #2 S=2123 U1=5.05 U2=5.00 I1=0.0 T1=23.36 Mx=9.643372 My=-28.033058 Mz=78.716827 Vx=3.343511 Vy=81.694656 Vz=-14.778625 Time=87360226 R1=0 R2=0
22:14 RS12S>ALL>UI,C,F0 (1133 baud):
KETs #2 S=2373 U1=4.24 U2=4.22 I1=0.0 T1=26.26 Mx=40.591866 My=17.268364 Mz=83.650642 Vx=-12.267176 Vy=84.045799 Vz=-7.656488 Time=98032057 R1=0 R2=0

Launch of eight SWSU-55 nanosatellites and two Tsiolkovsky-Ryazan nanosatellites from ISS

On July 21, 2022, during a spacewalk by Samantha Cristoforetti and Oleg Artemyev, ten Russian Nanosats were deployed from the ISS.

ALL  437.050 MHz 1k2 AFSK ? Telemetry

437.000  MHz - SWSU-55 No8 - RS6S
437.0125 MHz - Tsiolkovsky-Ryazan 2 - RS12S
437.025  MHz - Tsiolkovsky-Ryazan 1 - RS9S
437.050  MHz - SWSU-55 No1 & R-390 - RS10S
437.062  MHz - SWSU-55 No2 - RS11S
437.075  MHz - SWSU-55 No3 - RS1S
437.082  MHz - SWSU-55 No4 - RS2S
437.087  MHz - SWSU-55 No6 - RS4S
437.100  MHz - SWSU-55 No5 - RS3S
437.1125 MHz - SWSU-55 No7 & R-390 - RS5S

telemetry pakets

[0.3] RS4S>ALL:SWSU-55 #6 S=400 U1=4.75 U2=4.73 I1=0.0 T1=21.75 Mx=8.970578 My=17.044100 Mz=-31.397024 Vx=0.000000 Vy=0.000000 Vz=0.000000 Time=15724233
[0.3] RS12S>ALL:KETs #2 S=426 U1=4.16 U2=4.08 I1=0.0 T1=20.46 Mx=-23.772032 My=3.139702 Mz=93.294014 Vx=-9.251908 Vy=52.786259 Vz=-11.129771 Time=16306022 R1=0 R2=0

Strong QSB due to the initial high spin rate. Hopefully this will get better …
You see data packets, SSTV and voice transmissions

It looks like one satellite is broken and transmits only a fat carrier