11:43 UTC
Category: MaSat-1
MASAT-1 Telemetry
MASAT-1 Telemetry 29-12-2014 14:35 UTC
Our predictions show, the decay of the Masat-1 will happen between 5-10.-th of jan 2015. Who would like to follow/listen its last telemetry data, can use our new, dedicated websdr site. The tracking antena system is the same, as used on the official Ground Station, at the Technical Univ. Budapest.
If you follow this link http://www.gnd.bme.hu/websdr.html you can see the webcam of the tracking system, and find a table, generated by the heavens-above.com web site from the actual orbits to Masat-1.
If you use this link in this second case you can access to the online chat of the websdr too. If somebody connect the sound output of the websdr into another sound card input, and use the Masat-1 decoder program, will be decode the telemetry data.
The new, improoved Masat-1 client/decoder program is here: http://cubesat.bme.hu/data/gsc/Masat1_GND_Client_20141221.zip
If somebody record the websdr sound output, has a choice to decode it offline with this porgram.
Janos Tolgyesi, HG5APZ
MASAT-1 new decoder software for the final days
Dear Radio Amateur / Masat-1 Packet Committer,
We would like to hereby thank you for supporting our work in the last almost three years by receiving packets of Masat-1 from space.
Furthermore, we would like to call your attention to the upcoming deorbiting. Masat-1, the first Hungarian satellite is expected to end its successful mission by burning while entering the Earth’s atmosphere at the beginning of January (current forecast predicts 11 January). The last days and hours of the satellite are especially important for us, providing valuable data for our upcoming endeavours, therefore we would like to keep a close eye on the satellite during the final stage of the mission. For this, we need the help of all those who have already received Masat-1, as the last moments of the satellite’s life may happen anywhere around the Earth. Who will receive the last packets of Masat-1? Following the final moments we will provide an answer to this question, and we also plan to publish a statistics of those stations who received the highest number of packets during the last 168 hours of the mission.
We have published the current version of the JAVA client software on our website, it may be downloaded from
Wishing you all the best and Merry Christmas,
The Masat-1 Development Team