ARISS contact with Kantonsschule Zug – Switzerland

An International Space Station school contact was planned with participants at Kantonsschule Zug, Zug, Switzerland on 31 Oct. 14:56 UTC. The duration of the contact was approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds and was direct between OR4ISS and HB9KSZ.

The Kantonsschule Zug (KSZ) has over 1600 students and over 200 teachers. The school is located in the city of Zug in central Switzerland. The school prepares in 6 grades for university, the age of the students ranging from 13 to 19 years. Students applying to the KSZ need to have high marks at their preceding elementary school by the end of their 6th grade. Approximately 20% of the students reach these marks. In this respect the KSZ is a kind of an elite school. Students who pass the final exam (Matura, matriculation exam) at KSZ are free to enter any university throughout Europe without any further entrance examination unless a certain numerous clausus holds for certain studies at the desired university.

sound …here are the answers

Match the questions with the answers :-)

1. What is the ISS’s most significant contribution to science?
2. Have astronauts achieved any scientific developments or gained any knowledge that one couldn’t achieve or gain on earth?
3. How does the ISS evade space debris that is a threat to the station?
4. How do you protect yourself against ionizing radiation?
5. How much energy does the solar panels of the ISS produce?
6. Now that the Space Shuttles are out of service, how does this affect the transports to the ISS?
7. What was the most fascinating phenomenon you’ve ever seen in space?
8. Which technological advancements might make space missions easier for astronauts in the future?
9. When you have to cook in space, how do you manage that in zero gravity?
10. What do you do in case of fire on the ISS?
11. Do you get tired slower or faster in zero gravity?
12. When do you sleep in space?
13. When you go to sleep, what do you hear? What are the most common noises?
14. Have you already any results from experiment PLANTS 2?
15. Do you have spare time? If yes, what do you do in your spare time?
16. What do you do against the development of bad smells on the ISS?
17. What would you ask yourself if you were in our position forming a question for an astronaut?
18. Whilst staying on board the ISS, have you ever thought about the fact that you’re in a container in the middle of a vacuum with absolutely no air to breathe outside?
19. How do you go to the toilet in space?
20. How cold is it in outer space?
21. Are there any cultural problems between the astronauts on the ISS?

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