09:50 UTC
| Hea | EPS | | COM | | Uptime | Batt | I_Bat | Temp1 Temp2 | LastRSSI | HAM Sponsor | -------- | -----+------- | ------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------+ 0s | 0.0 -1032.26 | 0.01 0.00 | | 0 | -172.0 | ------ Knud Højgaards Fond | 30s | 6.8 | -54.84 | 46.61 45.55 | -172.0dBm | OZ2CUB Joost Elstak | 0s | 0.0 -1032.26 | 0.00 0.00 | | 0 | -172.0 | ------ Texas Instruments | 32s | 6.8 | 105567. | 47.39 46.25 | 34 40 | OZ2CUB Ágúst Örn Einarson | 0s | 0.0 -1032.26 | 0.00 0.00 | | 96 | -169.9 | ------ GPV Printca A/S |
Hi Mike
Yeah – batteries are weak :-(
An explanation – 6.8V is close to reboot initiated by EPS.
After reboot the first beacon may not contain battry voltage because the voltage is sampled asynchronous regarding the beacon
One interesting thing is that the last one state 179.9dBM instead of default 172 (which means nothing headr from gnd)
So AAUSAT-II is alive but degrading :-( But It has been a great year :-))))
Assoc Prof PhD Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen, Section of Automation and Control Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University