10:50 UTC RTTY and CW highspeed beacon (120 wpm)
BYTES: (1), (2&3),(4&5),(6),(7&8),(9),(10),(11),(12),(13),(14),(15),(16&17),(18&19),(20&21)
RTTY beacon 15 values (21 bytes)
1 Flags byte status flags, same as the flags in header byte 0 2 SEUCount word, low byte for current SEU error count 3 SEUCount word, high byte 4 NumResets word, low byte number of Resets 5 NumResets word, high byte 6 EEPROMfails byte number of EEPROM locations that fail check 7 Fchanges word, low byte number of frequency changes detected 8 Fchanges word, high byte 9 RFMTemperature byte stored RFM22B internal temperature 10 Idlecurrent byte measured current in ma during program idle 11 RSSIlast byte RSSI value of last packet received 12 Rxcurrent byte measured current in ma during receive 13 PCBTemperature byte results from DS18B20 digital temperature sensor 14 Txcurrent byte measured current in ma during transmit 15 SolarCurrent byte measured Solar charge current 16 SolarVolts word, low byte Solar mV 17 SolarVolts word, high byte 18 NumberLUPs word, low byte number of over currents detected 19 NumberLUPs word, high byte 20 Batvolts word, low byte battery mV 21 Batvolts word, high byte
CW beacon
The WPM rate of the Morse is varied as the solar panel voltage varies. At high solar voltage the Morse WPM is reduced, and at low solar voltage it is speeded up. So by listening to the FM Morse you can tell if the solar voltage is high or low. In addition at low solar volts where the battery charge is expected to be low also, the faster Morse uses less power. At 2500mV from the solar panels the delay value used for the Morse dit period is 50mS, this gives a WPM rate of approx 24WPM. At 4500mV from the solar panels the delay value used for the Morse dit period is 100mS, this gives a WPM rate of 12WPM.
CW: 2
battery volts: 3703 mV
solar volts 102 mV
solar current 0 mA
CW calls: gw8hpw, ab2s, kd8qba, s50sat, eagle2